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Posts posted by Eldmannen

  1. You refer to Anonymizer.com?


    Yes, it does work. However, it is no 100% anonymity service, you have to know what todo and know your part. It can help but you need know some common sense and stuff too.


    And yes they can have that information, so you either trust them or dont. For all you know, they can be the feds.


    And yes it does slow down your surfing experience because rather than establishing a direct connection, it routes it around addiotional computers.



    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_privacy

    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privacy

    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_privacy

    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anonymity


    A good software is Tor;

    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor_%28anonymity_network%29


    You should use a safe operating system such as Linux and use Mozilla Firefox. And there are alot of things to privacy and anonymity and its pretty much impossible to be 100% protected and safe.


    A good idea is to disable unnescesary things such as Java, JavaScript and cookies.

  2. The Piriform website says "The best software is free!", free is can be interpreted in many ways, such as in the sense of freedom and in gratis (free of charge). Example;

    * Free as in free beer.

    * Free as in freedom.


    Now while the best software may be free of charge, I would also argue that the best software is free of unnescesary bundled junk like toolbars.


    And how can it be free, if I cant alter it, cant inspect the source code, etc?


    To me, it is free of charge. But it isnt much more free than that in that sense.

  3. Sounds like you got spyware on your computer that wants you to download a rouge anti-spyware software. Dont visit the website that the spyware tells you to goto.


    Use CWShredderer, ewido, HijackThis.

  4. Yeah, the updates in AntiVir suck. You kinda have to run the installing program everytime there is an update instead of just fetching new virus database.


    ClamWin is unfortunally rather slow. :(

    But I heard about major changes gonna come to ClamWin, then hopefully it will rock. ;)

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