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Posts posted by Eldmannen

  1. Addition of a "Clear Now" button.



    Add a "Clear Now" button on the "Cookies" place in CCleaner.

    Add it where the < and > buttons are, between the two lists of cookies.


    And when you click on the "Clear Now" button, it deletes all cookies on the system that are listed on the left pane without CCleaner cleaning anything else. Just quick and easy cookie cleaning. A command line switch for this would be good too, to automatically clean cookies only.

  2. In CCleaner at the options dialog, you can define which cookies to keep when you clean the cookies.


    So I add 'forum.ccleaner.com' and then I have to add other forums that I frequently visit so I dont have to login again everytime I visit them.


    I think it would be perfect to be able to use wildcards when you define what cookies to keep.


    So that I can add for example 'forum.*' then it delete all cookies except cookies belonging to the subdomain of 'forum' of any domain.

  3. Hope so because if it doesn't continue is someway it will be a royal pain for allot of cd ripping apps that utilize it. At least CDex can use MusicBrainz now.

    I'm just glad I have all my audio CD's info backed up in CDex's LocalCDDB and in EAC's database, and in cdplayer.ini.


    Yeah, it is good to keep many backups. :)

  4. Many times I have got annoyed by advertisement on websites and many times I have wished to get rid of them, but there are many methods that I have heard of but until recently I never tried anything.


    I heard about the Adblock extension to Firefox couple of times, and then eventually I finaly tried it out and I am pleased with it. Now after have used it, perhaps for a week, maybe more, I cant understand how I ever lived without it. :)


    That is why I have now decided to tell others about it. The adblock extension by itself dont remove any ads, after you installed the extension, you have to use some block rules with it (regex - regular expressions). Depending on how good your rules are, it block ads. It probably wont block 100% of all adds, but it can get rid of a big deal of them.


    It can be downloaded from http://adblock.mozdev.org/


    You can either write your own rules or you can use a set of third-party premade rules such as Filterset.G or any other filter sets.


    I wrote the rules myself because the only filterset I was aware of was Filterset.G and whoever made that placed some restrictions to how it can be used, that I didnt like. And also it was little complex, and I thought I could make a set myself that was cleaner, and because I always like todo things myself, my own way. :)


    Filters that I use...





    So if you see lots of ads on websites and gets annoyed by them and would like to get rid of them then maybe you should try out something that get rid of them (such as Adblock), you will wonder how you ever lived without it.


    Feels good to know that I dont need to put up with that crap anymore. :D

  5. what is open office?


    It is a free software, open source, cross-platform complete office suite. It is compatible with Microsoft Office file formats. It supports the OpenDocument Format (ODF) standard which is an ISO standard.

    I dont use it very often, but I am happy with it, it does everything I want it todo. Works very good. Try it. :)


    And yes it is quite similiar to Microsoft Office (imho).

  6. Thanks, I downloaded it. But it couldnt find anything, because I had already removed it before. :D

    But I downloaded it just to be sure. :)


    It sucks that Microsoft started this WGA thing, and it sucks that they are making it so hard to get rid off.


    I read on some news site that Microsoft was getting sued by people claiming WGA was spyware...

  7. i dont trust msn, or w/e the hell they are calling it these days, and i will stick with trillian, i dont need the extra features or any of those bells and whistles. I feel that sticking with this third party is better in the long run. ( I might sound like im attacking your post krit86lr but im not lol)


    I agree with you. For me it is Miranda IM though.

  8. No real big new features but there are some new features and also bugfixes.


    And there are more info on the website;

    * performance improvements: for example, a 23 percent improvement in certain Calc benchmarks

    * further improvements to file format compatibility with Microsoft Office files

    * new email integration features for users wanting to send emails in Microsoft file formats

    * more control over how exported PDF documents will display when opened in a PDF reader

    * support for more languages and improvements in hyphenation and thesaurus

    * support for Intel architecture for Mac OS X plus improved Mac OS X System integration

    * built-in check for updated versions



  9. Yes, I have my Automatic Updates settings set to "Notify me of updates but dont download and install them".

    I would also like to review the updates before they are downloaded and installed, I dont want it to be able to install anything without my explicit confirmation and approval.


    Some may be pretty fine that WGA sends out some information, and think it dont matter if it sound graphics card and sound card, but I rather see it not send any data.


    CCleaner has an an Uninstall section, and then some WGA thing can be uninstalled.



    Perhaps Microsoft wants to intimate people and get them a little worried and push them into buying a legit copy if they dont own one but I dont think they dare to push the kill switch because it would annoy alot of people which may go looking for alternatives.

  10. Avast!, Avira, NOD32, AVG are antivirus software that I have heard good of. Kaspersky used be good too, but I dont know if thats the case anymore, probably not. Norton is the worst, Panda sucks too.


    For firewalls, ZonaAlarm seems be a popular choice. I think that most Windows firewalls are toys though.

  11. Maybe your router has a built-in bandwidth monitor?


    Or you could install a separate little small bandwidth monitor on each of the computers.


    Or you could install MRTG or some SNMP software, but that is more complex and difficult I think...

  12. They did change a lot. I love this one. I have been using this since the first beta as well, and I love it. :) It's my favortie Messenger.


    I only use AIM, Yahoo, WLM, and Trillian. :P Out of all of them I like WLM the most.


    I find it rather silly to use 3-4 different instant messengers. Especially since they tend to be big and bloaty. A better idea would be to just use one multi-protocol messenger such as Miranda IM, Gaim, Trillian, etc.

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