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Posts posted by Eldmannen

  1. Use HijackThis to prevent it from start at bootup.

    Use avast! and then do a full system scan and quarantine or delete any trojans or other crap you have or it might have installed.


    Besure to have the latest virus definitions in avast!

  2. No you should not make a website using Flash, it is a bad idea.

    You should follow the webstandards and make websites in either HTML 4.01 or in XHTML.


    Flash is good for funny animations and such but is bad for complete websites or navigational systems. Flash is a propiertary application and protocol. Not all people have Flash installed, want to have it installed or can have it installed.


    Flash websites are hard to navigate, slow to navigate, they cant be bookmarked, they're annoying, you dont know where links point, you cant look things up, etc.

  3. I have ordered CD's from there when I got my "Hoary Hedgehog" release.

    But it took some time, I think it took 2-3 weeks.


    I think that they send to all people at the same time, they dont send it when people put the order, then put it in a queue then send all together some time later...


    I got my discs, they were good branded Ubuntu discs, both for LiveCD and for installation, came in perfect condition and worked perfect.


    It's awesome, they're free, you dont even need pay the shipping. :)

    Only thing was that it took some time...


    See the FAQ section.

  4. A Mac used to be very different from a PC because PC was x86 architecture while Mac had Motorala 68k procssor which was completely different.


    But now Apple went from their G5 over to x86 architecture and use Intel processors. So now Mac is basically a PC. Now Mac is an overpriced PC with that can run Mac OS X.

  5. I think there should be two classes;

    * MUWebControl Class

    * WUWebControl Class


    I think one is "Microsoft Update" and the other is "Windows Update".

    These are just ActiveX components, if they are removed, then as far as I know, the next time you visit the Windows Update website, it will prompt you to install the Windows Update ActiveX component since it cant find it.

    WGA (Windows Genuine Advantage) is junk and loathed by alot of people.

  6. is the firefox beta 1 an alpha edition?


    No, it is an beta, not an alpha.

    Alpha means that it hasnt reached beta stage yet.

    Beta means that it has passed alpha stage yet but still isnt "quite there yet".

    Sometimes a beta is followed up by a Pre-Release before the stable release.

  7. DNS is Domain Name Server/Service.

    It resolves human-readable domain names such as www.ccleaner.com into machine-readable IP addresses such as


    On Windows apparently it works wether it is enabled or disabled, but when it is enabled, entries are cached (means saved). So the next time it needs to lookup (resolve) a previous resolved domain name into an address, it gets the address from its cache. That way it dont have to query the DNS server for the address everytime.

  8. I uninstalled "File and printing sharing" and "Client for Microsoft Network" from the Network Connections in Control Panel.

    Both were disabled, but now that I uninstalled them, these ports disappeared. :)

  9. Depends on which option you use.


    The default setting is just normal file deletion (not wiping), it is good enough for most people for everyday use, but it is not considered "secure" deletion.


    Then there are 3 "secure deletion" modes. 1, 3 and 7 passes. That is how many time it overwrites the contents of the file. They should be pretty secure in erasing the contents. The NSA variant with 7 passes is supposedly good enough for NSA. And DOD good enough for Department of Defense.


    Secure deletion mode will afaik only securerly get rid of the contents of the cookies, the filenames may still be recoverable.


    For dedicated file wiping software see Eraser:

    * http://www.heidi.ie/eraser/

  10. You should always use the latest. However, as Andavari said, flashingn the BIOS is risky, if you do it wrong or something happends that shouldnt, then maybe you flash with the wrong BIOS firmware or your BIOS gets corrupted, then your motherboard wont work anymore.


    Before you try flashing, you should know what you are doing.

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