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Posts posted by Eldmannen

  1. Raptor disks are very high-performance disk, but they are expensive too.


    Raptor X is the one with the window, its targeted for gamers.

    The window is pretty useless, and when its mounted in the computer you're not likely to see it anyways.


    I dont know about the TLER. But I would probably go with the standard Raptor (not the X one) because it feels more serious without useless window, and it is cheaper.

  2. That is a pretty f***ed up cat.


    6 toes? on prozac?


    "Also, he gives out mixed signals," Kettman continued. "He would sidle against you and purr. You bend down to pet him and he'd attack you."


    Steathly stalks random people and sneaks upon them and attack them, etc.



  3. Yeah, I saw this story some days ago.


    It wasnt like TNT, but it was pretty strong explosive force anyways...

    That could make some physical damage to a person using the computer or standing around it.

  4. It's called Copy+Paste+Blend. No real skills involved other than patience.


    Well, it probably is better than I could do. :)

    I am not a graphics person, heh.

    I said it because I did not want to offend you by thinking that it is horrible or something. I just hate the concept of skins. :)

    I like to keep things simple, small and unified.

  5. You are good at making graphics.


    But honestly, I hate it heh, no skins please. I think it is great with just a light-weight normal Windows interface, no thanks to skinned interfaces and bloat.


    It would be a disappointment of CCleaner came with *any* skin.

  6. Well the IBM could operate at 350 GHz at normal room temperature.


    But this is "germanium-silicon".


    Also this is not an CPU. It only has few transistors, it dont have several million transistors and a instruction set such as x86 or something.

    They were just testing to see how far they theoretically could go on germanium-silicon. So the chip they have today is not a CPU and it is pretty useless.

  7. 250 times faster on silicon?

    I doubt it, silicon is getting near is end...

    250 times faster, sure possible with nanotechnology, optical computing, etc but I dont think you can get 250 times faster on silicon...


    Also, it is highly unlikely that it is the x86 architecture they're talking about...

  8. I'm wondering if MS will at some point make a device that must be attached to the computer like those that my mom has in order to use your sewing/embroidery software to make sure it's:

    1. Legit.

    2. Just to load the software.


    It seems over-the-top, but it would sure as hell make casual piracy a thing of the past, and I know if I owned MS and the most popular OS I would make it damn near impossible for people to use an illegal copy.


    Why do you think Microsoft has been pushing so hard for Treacherous Computing (TC) ?

    To get the chinese to buy their software...

  9. Mozilla Firefox follows web standards. Internet Explorer dont.

    Firefox is much more secure, so if you use it, you are less likely to get spyware or browser hijackers.


    Firefox has plenty of nice features, etc and can be extended via Extensions that add new functionality.




    One browser to rule them all, One browser to find them, One browser to bring them all and in the web bind them.

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