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Posts posted by Eldmannen

  1. You could change the date and time to launch it on demand. Or just click on start > Windows update.


    I'm not sure that answered your question though. <_<


    Goto Start -> Windows Update isnt Automatic Update.

    Yeah, change time seems to be the only way to launch it when "I want to launch it".


    A "automatic_updates.exe /checknow" command or something would be cool...

  2. What would be cool would be if you could place a text file in the iPod and then it would read it for you and talk and say whats in the file, then you could have a story/book like The_story_of_the_little_monkey.txt and you walk with your iPod and it would tell you it, like reading a book without reading. :P

  3. Damn, that computer was amazing fast!

    I wish my computer was fast like that.


    SSD (Solid-state disks) are cool, but they have small diskspace, limited amount of writes and some operations are slower than on mechanical disks I think. But it will be interesting to see how the progress...


    And SSD disk is totaly silent, that is what is best! :)

  4. Depends how you define "computer". Alot of stuff are "computers".


    And you can login remotely to a computer using SSH or telnet or something then use it even though that computer dont have any keyboard.


    I've never used a computer locally without a keyboard though as it heavily restricts the productivity and usefulness.


    The button dont go down since there is no button on those virual laser keyboards, so I guess it is a little strange to type on them. Do you think they work good?

  5. Apparently it dont send back any data.

    But still, I think that it sucks. It should not connect *anywhere* without informing the user and getting consent todo so.


    Apple, Microsoft, etc needs to respect users and give them choice and not assume that "if they dont know, its okay".

  6. Ya, with DOS and Windows 3.x series, the filenames was in 8.3 format. 8 characters for the name of the file, and a dot and an addiotional 3 characters for the file extension. The file extension couldnt be any longer than 3 characters.

    Still today most file extensions are 3 letter long, and .html was shortened to .htm

    But nowadays, most websites use .html


    Then Windows 95 came and the problem was no longer, because it has LFN (Long FileName support). Unix-like system's have had long filename support forever though, I think.


    So technically there is no difference, its two extensions, but its the same file and they get parsed and processed in the same way. You can use whichever of them you like, I did a Google search with filetype: and .html was more widely in use than .htm

  7. Of course you could notice the difference between 800x600 and 1600x1200.

    But most integrated sound chipset are of really good quality nowadays, sure if you're doing music and use it with external studio components then an high-quality sound card is needed. But you are probably not likely to notice any difference between a built-in soundcard and an X-Fi, it sounds pretty much the same. Someone would notice a huge difference between 16 and 256 colors, but not between 100 million colors and 100 billion colors.


    Your downloads wont go faster if you use an network card than if you use a built-in network chipset.



    Yes, I said some people have too much money to spend. But I do have to say, that it is an kickass machine. :)

    Cant say its bad. :P

    But technology goes forward very fast.


    And yes it is better than whatever I am running, since my computer is several years of old.

  8. Yes, such an option should definitly NOT be checked by default.


    However, it would be good with such a feature, since there are stuffs that you really want to get rid off. Then you dont want them to secretly stay hidden in the System Restore place.


    To quote CCleaner.com front page;

    "CCleaner is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool."

  9. X-Fi or not, you most likely wouldnt be able to tell the difference from an integrated on-board audio chipset.


    You can say you preparing for future, but in a month or two, your computer is old and there are new badass stuff to drool after.

    Quad-core ZOMG!!!!11 DDR3 ZOMG!!!111 nVidia GeForce 10000 ZXTXGTX 3D Pro eXtreme Fatal1ty FPS+ XP ZOMG!!!!11

  10. Some people have too much money to spend... :rolleyes:


    850w ?

    You wont even use half that.


    4 GB RAM ?

    XP afaik can only handle 2 gb or so.

    And you are not likely to even 1 gb of RAM most of the time.

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