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Posts posted by Eldmannen

  1. Absolutely not.


    GIF has a long trail of patent problems. GIF is an very old format (1987). It was made by CompuServe, and it became popular because it had better compression (smaller size) than other formats at that time, it used the LZW compression algorithm. And UniSys owned a patent on the LZW format so they decided it was a good idea to start threating everyone with lawsuit and try milk money and get every software that uses GIF to pay them royalties. Luckily the patent has finaly expired (was just recently some year(s) ago).


    Software patents are very evil and a great threat. It allows huge companies to take out patent on a huge amount of stuff, often very trivial stuff (like having emoticons on a forum or a IM) and then prevent the smaller people from developing competive or similiar products due to "patent infrigment".

    See http://www.nosoftwarepatents.com/en/m/ev50/index.html


    And GIF and JPEG was the two big formats used on the web.


    PNG was designed to be a free, GIF killer. It is a much better format. GIF only can have 256 colors, but PNG can have 16,7 million colors. PNG is a free file format and a open standard. PNG supports not only transparency but also alpha-transparency in contrast to GIF which only support normal transparency. PNG uses better compression.

  2. Actually, CCleaner doesnt delete any nasties such as malware. It is not a anti-malware software. It is a system cleaner and privacy tool. It just cleans away some files and registry entries.

  3. I added VirusTotal to the lits.


    This list is meant as a reference, and maybe it can be useful to some people. But for most of these products, prior to use them you must agree to some dumb license. And many of them probably report back various data. I do feel its kinda scary to run those ActiveX controls because they run so easy, and then seems to be capable of doing so much. Many of them just find the virus/malware and report it, and dont offer to delete. Many of them finds many false positives too, and then just deletes them and identifies many things that are not viruses or malware but could be used in bad ways. It deleted .exe files on my computer that I had programmed myself, luckily I still had the source code left, and luckily it didnt delete the source code, only the executable.


    It is nice of those antivirus software to offer free online scanning service, but most of them are very crappy.

  4. Yes, it is better to educate. :D


    Using pirated/cracked software is bad because of many reasons. They are illegal, so its not apprecieted talk about that on a forum like this. They often come with virus/trojans, etc. And if they dont want you to use it without you paying, then you shouldnt use it without paying, nor should you go buy it, better stay away from those corporate commercial capitalist cuckmunching conts and their crappy crooked software. :D


    Also 2004 sounds like an old outdated version.

  5. List of online/web scanners:



    Multi-engine scanners:

    Anti-virus scanners:

    Other-malware scanners:


    Though beware, some of these scanners delete files it identifies as virus straight away without first consulting you to ask wether you approve or not.

    Also beware of that some of these scanners send back information to the antivirus company about which files are infected and possible other information.


    I do not personally encourage the use or in any way recommend any of the services. The file upload scanners should be safe, but keep in mind that the ActiveX/Java online scanners does run executable code on your computer (which could technically be harmful). Do not use the services provided by companies that you do not trust.

  6. Only let your kids have restricted accounts which do not have administrator privilegies to prevent them from doing too much harm.


    Also, do backups of files that are important to you.


    Also you dont need clean the computer by deleting pictures because pictures are typically very small files. It is better idea to uninstall software that is rarerly or never used. And delete big files such as games and movies.

  7. I use Windows for Guild Wars, once I get it working in Cedega then I'll be in Dapper heaven.


    Yeah, I have to try out Ubuntu "Dapper Drake".

    Last version of Ubuntu I tried was the "Hoary Hedgehog" release.

    I kind of like Slackware too...

  8. Sweet, it only spies on you once every two weeks instead of everyday!

    How kind of them!


    Heh, maybe they shouldnt have put that dumb spy thing there in the first place.




    I know another operating system, you dont need to pay for it, you dont need to agree to a license which includes not modifing or distributing the software and handing over your first born son. You dont need no CD key, you dont need no active registration and as a matter of fact you dont need any registration at all. And it dont spy on you or report over any data...

  9. Yeah thanks Eldamannen,too used to Google so I did what you suggested. :)


    Yeah, it prevents you from get the cookie, its better than nothing. Scroogle proxies the request though, so its might be even better (since they dont see your IP address). I dont use Scroogle, because I cant be bothered to.


    I block ALL cookies from ALL sites, except the handful of sites that I have explicitly allowed to set cookies. (These sites are mostly forums and misc other sites that I have account that can be logged in to).


    In Firefox it is very easy to define which sites are allowed and isnt allowed to place cookies.

  10. Yeah, it is for die-hard fans.

    260$ for a mouse pad is not worth it, no way. No chance.

    It is way overpriced.


    And its their first mouse pad, they have no idea what makes a good mouse pad or anything...


    Better go with a high-quality mouse pad made by a mouse pad manufacturer with a reputation such as Razer, Icemat, fUnc, Everglide, etc...

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