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Posts posted by Eldmannen

  1. I have not tried it yet because the new version isnt avaible yet in slim build.


    I think that it is bad that this in 1.28 he choose to keep on using Yahoo! toolbar even though he knew hes users disliked it and it got him put spyware warning on some software websites.


    I also have my suspiciouns on why the slim build isnt released at the same time as the basic build...

  2. There is a good rule that applies for many thing "When in doubt, dont. Be cautious and always take the safe before the unsafe." ;)


    Hibernation mode is useful as it shuts down the computer so it dont use any power, while still allowing you to boot and be back in business relatively fast. But always using hibernation is maybe not so good, because its good for the system todo a real boot, especially if you have installed/uninstalled something.


    If you are leaving the PC for a brief period, you should leave it on. But if you are leaving the house and wont be back in couple hours or are going to sleep, then you should power off (or use hibernation) the computer as it will make your hardware last longer, reduce your power bill, and be more environmental friendly.

  3. thanks Edlemannen and AndyManchesta for answering my question. here is another question. is it possible to view source code of unopend email thats in my inbox?


    Some email client and email services have an option to view the mail as plain/text, that way no code or anything gets parsed.

  4. Ive been reading about this story over the last 3-4 days and i keep thinking the same thing, why on earth would you want to?


    Yeah, I was wondering that too. But I guess it is good if you wish to be able to play some games, etc.

  5. It is leftovers, because the crappy software couldnt even manage todo an half-decent uninstaller. You should mail them and cuss at them wildly.


    Also, a good idea is to avoid "trial versions", imho they are nothing more than a huge disappointment and annoyance.

  6. hmm..exactly what are you looking for when you view the page source?



    Links (<a href="...">) tags and <form action="..."> tags are good to look at.

    You can look if where they point to, and if it is valid place. It should also have a valid SSL certificate.

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