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Posts posted by Eldmannen

  1. It is probably a better idea to keep the files as Ogg Vorbis instead of converting them to MP3 if possible.

    Because Ogg Vorbis provides better compression and higher quality.

  2. Hint: Get the Basic or Slim build, dont get the standard build.


    Try save it on the desktop or on C:\ root directory.


    You could also instead of tell your browser to save it, maybe its possible to tell it to "download and run".

  3. 0------------------------------------------------------100


    Where is enough?

    Where do you draw the line?




    Unplug the network cord and power off! :D

    Get a tinfoil hat for you and your computer!

  4. Windows ME dont have any *real* handling of user profiles and all accouns run with full privileges on the computer.

    If you have Windows 2000 or XP you can use have restricted accounts for your kids that dont have all privilegies which can prevent them from accidently doing damage to the computer.


    You might also want to install Mozilla Firefox and tell your kids to use that instead of Internet Explorer. Because if they use IE, it would be much easier for them to get tricked or accidently install spyware.

    * http://www.GetFirefox.com

  5. You only need the Hotfix uninstallers if you want to remove a hotfix.

    But you do not want to remove a hotfix, because if you do your computer will no longer contain the fix which you downloaded from Windows Update so it could patch your computer against bugs and perhaps security vulnerabilities.

  6. This thread made me realise that I should have partitioned my drive - but, buying these commercial machines, you don't really get a chance to partition.


    Anyway, without my games etc., I've only used 13 gig of a 240Gig HD - the games fill another >150 Gb (if anything needs partitioned ...!) - I really want to shift my swapfile at least.


    Is there any utilities that allow you to take a chunk of exisiting drive, and create a new partition ? (preferably free as I'll probably do it only once)


    I've tried a few shareware utils., but all they suceed in doing is telling me if 7Meg unallocated (wonder is that the total of my slack space ??) I'd prefer not to reformat (mainly cos I don't really know how) etc.


    In case it helps, I have also have a 4 Gig recovery partiton (D drive) included when I bought the m/c - the rest is free-ish (and an aparent 7Mb unallocated)


    I would like to create a partition for the swapfile (can the MFT go on a partition ?), one for games, one for work stuff ... am I getting carried away ?


    Anyway, I think my question is - can I create an additional partition after Windows has been installed ?

    (so far I'm thinking the answer is no), BUT if anyone knows otherwise, please help !!





    That is why you either do not buy a commerical machine, or ask to get it delivered without an OS pre-installed, or repartion the computer as soon as you get it.

    Now, formating a harddisk is not difficult, actually, it is very easy.

    You can right click on the disk/partion in "My Computer" and select "Format..."

    Or you can boot with a floppy disk so you get to the CLI (Command Line Interface), and type: format C: or format D: or whatever.

    Doing any of the 2 mentioned steps above will format your disk/partion and erase all content on it.

    Partition a disk is a little more difficult than formating it. You can do this at the by booting the computer with a bootdisk and running the command 'fdisk'. Then you need to tell it how many paritions to create, what size they should be, etc and declare an active partition. The active partition is usually the first and is the one that the OS (Operating System) is/will be on.

  7. Today my computer just powered down, like if the power was cut.

    It did not restart.

    Then I pressed the power-on button on the front of the computer, it would not power on. Then I flipped the power switch on the backside, watched TV for couple minutes, came back, flipped it back and pushed power-on button on front and it started.

    I suspect PSU.

  8. All modern computers have a built-in sensor for checking temperature on the CPU and on the motherboard.


    On Linux you can get these values via the lm_sensors LKM (Linux Kernel Module) and/or GKrellM.

    * http://members.dslextreme.com/users/billw/...lm/gkrellm.html (screenshots too)

    * http://freshmeat.net/projects/gkrellm/

    * http://freshmeat.net/projects/lm_sensors/

    On Windows, I am not aware of any such software.


    Harddisks also have a technology called S.M.A.R.T that can get some info from the hardware about the "health" of the disk.

    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-Monitori...ting_Technology


    I think there are some LCD displays that maybe can fetch temperature information and fan rotating speed, and display it on LCD panel that is mounted on a 5? (?) slot, a slot such as the one which the CD/DVD is installed at.


    Oh, and sorry for late reply.

  9. Go here;

    * http://ccleaner.com/downloadbuilds.asp


    And download the "Basic" or the "Slim" build, (Dont get the Standard build).


    Then copy it to a diskette (they normally fit 1,44 mb) so CCleaner fits on it, and take it to the other computer and install it.


    If you dont have any diskette, you could use a CD-RW (Rewriteable CD). You probably do not want to burn it on a CD-R because a CD fits approx 650 mb, and CCleaner is less than 1 megabyte, so it would be a waste to use a CD when you only write less than 1% of space.




    If you know how to reinstall Windows on the computer, you might want todo that instead if it is very slow and has much crashes.

    Maybe your kids are more computer savvy than you?

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