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Posts posted by Eldmannen

  1. It is all up to you.


    But I wouldnt build a computer for a friend, because if something f***s up, then they would blame me. ;)

    Imagine a little ESD ? Ouch...

    Or some incompatibility, or just that something for some reason dont work or is unstable... =/

  2. You can read more about freeware on Wikipedia;

    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freeware


    Freeware is a computer software that is free for use, and usually free to distribute too.

    Freeware products are often good, and oten better than software that costs money. Freeware products can be made by a company to attract users to their other software which is not free or to pay for "Pro" versions.

    Freeware can also be made by entusiasts and people who enjoy programming and make software and wish other people to enjoy it or dont care so much about money or for some reason dont want to sell it or cant sell it.


    You should not be so skeptic about freeware, because freeware are often good. Commercial software that are payed for are often just made to please as many people as possible in order to generate money and often are bloated with unnescesary and bad stuff.


    However, freeware isnt the best thing because its only free for use. Freeware and "free software" is not the same thing. Free software is even better because it allows you to see the source code (open source) so you know exactly how the software works and what it does and what it dont do. With free software you are often also allowed to modify it, change it, and give out your modified versions.


    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software

    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-source_software

    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_and_Open_Source_Software (FOSS)

    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software_movement

    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Source_Definition


    So basically freeware is good, but its nothing compared to the greatness of free and open source software.

  3. This usually means that your computer is FUBAR. f***ed up beyond all reckongnization. :D


    Uncheck all checkboxes in CCleaner and then select just one, and clean, then select other checkbox, and run clean, etc and keep going...

  4. Okay...well I think that it's the monitor. The sound always stops when I turn the monitor off. :D


    So, I don't know what to do now, but I don't really care. I'm just glad that I can prove that the noise has nothing to do with the clean install. Therefore, it's not my fault. :P


    Thanks Everyone! :D


    Try put the refresh rate to a lower one and see if that works.

  5. Well, CCleaner deletes the contents of the recycle bin (there is an option that you can tick it on/off).

    But CCleaner dont put it in the recycle bin.

    Maybe Roxio is a crap piece of software that put it in recycle bin.


    ps. Sony sucks!

  6. Well Microsoft have special versions avaible for such markets. Such as the "M" (was it M?) version of Windows that doesnt come with MSN and some software.


    I think maybe Asia has something like that too, not only Europe.


    EU doesnt want Microsoft to have monopoly on everything, Microsoft have a monopoly on operating system, so everytime they want introduce something, they put it in Windows and everybody gets it and they get an advantage their competitors dont.


    I think that an operating system should come with useful software. EU should not go after MS for this, but MS have done other dirty business practices and vendor-lockin which EU should go after them for.


    MS also have to pay money, but they refuse to or its that they pay but it dont hurt them because they make more money everyday than they have to pay.


    EU says that they Microsoft should not be allowed to sell Windows in Europe if it comes bundled with all what it does. Microsoft dont want to loose the European market because its much money so they offer special "M" versions which are stripped down.

    Europe settle with that I think, they are too afraid to go Linux.


    Yeah, I think that many components such as IE, Outlook and stuff which cant be removed should be able to be removed.


    EU go after Microsoft for bundling some software with their OS, but they dont go after Microsoft for the worse thing they do.


    Pretty much all computer sold have the "Windows tax". Even if you dont buy an OS for your computer some money goes to Microsoft. And sometimes a computer without an operating system is same price as a computer with Windows and sometimes even more expensive.


    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Tax

  7. Thermal compound (or as you call it cooling pasta) can reduce the CPU temperature by a couple of degrees, like 2-5' C maybe. The best brand I think is Arctic Silver, but it's much more expensive than other brands.


    You have a Pentium 4 which is a bad CPU, it generates alot of heat, uses alot of power and doesnt give much performance. You should have picked an AMD Athlon. ;)


    You maybe can replace the fan, but if you dont pick a fan that cools it good enough then it can overheat and your computer might get unstable or the CPU might even break.


    You should not get a 60mm fan because it is small. You should get a 80mm fan. If you have some wind thing it might even be possible have a 120mm but I dont think you can have that so easy if you dont know so much. A bigger fans pushes more air which cools better, and can rotate at a slower speed since its able to push more, hence becomes more silent.


    You can also buy a larger heatsink.

  8. After running 1.28 my system behaves strange. I choose to clean all applications and issues.

    When I restarted, I did not get assigned DHCP IP address as I normally do, well atleast not immediately.

    And when I opened "Task Manager" then all services and programs had an empty "User Name" field.

    I waited a minute or so, and then all services and programs had got the username they are supposed to have and I got an IP address too.


    Anyone else know about this problem or got same or similiar problem?

  9. After running 1.28 my system behaves strange. I choose to clean all applications and issues.

    When I restarted, I did not get assigned DHCP IP address as I normally do, well atleast not immediately.

    And when I opened "Task Manager" then all services and programs had an empty "User Name" field.

    I waited a minute or so, and then all services and programs had got the username they are supposed to have and I got an IP address too.

  10. I use more than one alias.


    Internet is pretty scary, example if you have one alias when you started using computers several years ago, and wasnt so good with computers.


    Then a look on Google and its cache page and such, it can easy find stuff linked to you and alias that you did or said years ago.

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