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Posts posted by Eldmannen

  1. You goto start menu, select "Run..." type in "regedit" and press OK.

    Now the "Registry Editor" opens. Now you press F3 and search for "Nero" or "Nero showtime" or "Showtime" or such.


    But never edit or delete any entries because that can f*** up your computer. The registry is not for the weak minded. :D

  2. deletecookies4dl.png


    Add a "Clear Now" button on the "Cookies" place in CCleaner.

    Add it where the < and > buttons are, between the two lists of cookies.


    And when you click on the "Clear Now" button, it deletes all cookies on the system that are listed on the left pane without CCleaner cleaning anything else. Just quick and easy cookie cleaning. A command line switch for this would be good too, to automatically clean cookies only.

  3. No talking with CAPITAL LETTERS on forum. ;)


    Nero Showtime might store it's MRU (Most Recently Used) list either in the Windows registry or in configuration file of its own.


    You can try using "regedit" to search the Windows registry for Nero Showtime entries, but regedit isnt a tool that should be used by those who are not so good with computers.

  4. Yeah, it sucks that some software in Windows is very difficult or impossible to get rid of.

    Such as Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, Outlook Express, Windows Fax/Image Viewer, Windows Messenger, etc.

  5. Yes, but the author cant magically implement cleaning of Nero Showtime. He must know *what* to clean.

    Example, what files or what registry values/keys (entries).

    Probably he dont have the Nero, and is not willing to go out and buy it.


    Maybe you could find the registry entries (MRU) for Nero Showtime and tell which entries to clean.

  6. Because you have either;

    1) Deleted the files or incorrectly uninstalled them instead.

    2) Attempted to uninstall crap piece of software.


    Run te Issue scanner, you can also manually remove the entries.


    When you uninstall software, always do it from "Add/Remove Applications" in the Control Panel or via the uninstall that might be in the startmenu of the software you install. Dont delete the software by deleting the directory of the corresponding application in C:\Program Files\ because then it wont be correctly uninstalled.


    Also, dont use crap software.

  7. CCleaner only cleans a predefined set of software. If you find the registry entries then maybe it could be added to the next version of CCleaner.


    Or you could manually add registry entries to the .ini file in the CCleaner directory.



    Oh, and a hint... maybe you should try VLC (VideoLAN Codec) media player, it is a free, open-source, cross-platform audio and video player. It plays pretty much anything, works on almost all movies that I download.


    * http://www.videolan.org/vlc/

    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VLC_media_player

  8. Yes, I think that you definitly should do a personal backup of the software that you have purchased. A personal backup would fall into fair-use and you are entitled todo that.


    I dont know why it removed Bookworm Deluxe since since there are no entries about that in the .ini files that comes with CCleaner. Maybe you stored it in a TEMP folder?


    Hint, there are often free alternatives to software that cost money.

  9. Yeah, and if I know Google right, after you delete a file that you have uploaded, it will disappear/hide from your "GDrive" but still be present on the server harddisks. Bastards.


    Oh well, hopefully it comes with cryptographic hashes, encryption, etc.


    The notes said: "With infinite storage, we can house all user files, including e-mails, web history, pictures, bookmarks, etc; and make it accessible from anywhere (any device, any platform, etc)." -- From the BBC article.

    I for sure, would not want to store my private emails, webhistory etc on a companies server.





    Slightly off-topic hint, for those who use 7-Zip, if you use the .7z format you can use strong AES-256 encryption on your (optionally compressed) archive.

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