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Everything posted by hazelnut

  1. Hello David, Open ccleaner and on the left is the options button, press and click on cookies. There you will be able to save your important ones such as ccleaner forum!!
  2. hazelnut

    Freezing up

    You have already placed this topic in the correct section ( hijack this) Someone will help you soon, just hang on.
  3. Someone at work has put the Ewido micro scanner on their usb thumb for emergencies. (with non ie browsers only of course)
  4. No JD, my desktop icon also looks very faint.
  5. If you don't use Internet Explorer as your browser you will be able to use this scanner from ewido as an alternative to the online scan. It can only be seen on the page by non IE users apparently. http://www.ewido.net/en/onlinescan/
  6. Hi chiawaikian, most of this subject is already here http://forum.ccleaner.com/index.php?showtopic=4170
  7. hazelnut

    Hi all

    and to you. Keep posting!!
  8. hazelnut

    Issues Scan

    CWShredder finds and destroys traces of CoolWebSearch only (browser hijackers). So just be glad it never finds anything !
  9. hazelnut

    Issues Scan

    If you open ccleaner, choose options and then cookies you can save the ones that require passwords etc (such as ccleaner forums!) The rest can go.
  10. hazelnut

    New PC?

    What are your computer specifications mpossoff?
  11. Anyone wanting to watch certain dvd's may need to be careful, one guy off Wilders forum had trouble with his computer after watching one, ( although it wasn't the dvd below.) http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/ar...6.html#00000810
  12. I also use Shareaza and have no problem with finding files and downloading them. I think sometimes it's finding out how to set it up correctly that is the key. P.S. glad you liked the link lokoike, I've used it on and off for a while now with no probs, it's certainly extensive !
  13. Have just downloaded and used the slim version and cleaned 319mb's of windows uninstaller history. Well done Mr G. P.S. I have decided to keep this option unchecked until a few days after each windows update to make sure there are no probs with the update.
  14. Just for you then Lokoike ! This is a site I use for ringtones for my phone which fortunatly plays midi files. I just bluetooth them over after download. There are some very funny things on here as well as the music. http://www.freeaudioclips.com/list.php?sub...g+Machine&cat=1
  15. Okay, on behalf of all confused people, I want just ccleaner, with no toolbar, in English. Can I choose that slim version in the "basic builds" and get the ccleaner I know and use now with the improvements?
  16. I have k-lite and have gone to download some midi files but I cannot get any sound from them either when online listening or after downloading. WMP is ticked for midi files. Is there something else I should be ticking? EDIT: have just found the answer, double-click volume control icon in taskbar, optitions/properties/ and tick swsyth (as this for some reason was unselected) and untick the mute on the swsyth slider bar.
  17. hazelnut


    A blonde wanted to go ice fishing. She'd seen many books on the subject, and finally, after getting all the necessary "tools" together, she made for the nearest frozen lake. After positioning her comfy footstool, she started to make a circular cut in the ice. Suddenly, from the sky, a voice boomed, "THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE!" Startled, the blonde moved further down the ice, poured a thermos of cappuccino, and began to cut yet another hole. Again, from the heavens, the voice bellowed, "THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE!" The blonde, now quite worried, moved way down to the opposite end of the ice,set up her stool, and tried again to cut her hole. The voice came once more."THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE!" She stopped, looked skyward, and said, "Is that you, Lord?" The voice replied, "NO, THIS IS THE MANAGER OF THE ICE RINK!"
  18. Lokolke, Ewido is a really good prog, and I would urge you to give it a try.I liked it so much I paid for a year's full which cost ?16 (27 dollars ) Even though the trial only lasts a few weeks you can still manually update and scan after that time.
  19. hazelnut


    TO MY DARLING HUSBAND : I'm sending you this letter in a bogus software company envelope so you'll be sure to read it. Please forgive the deception, but I thought you should know what's been going on since your computer entered our lives two years ago. The children are doing well. Tommy is 7 now and is a bright, handsome boy. He has developed quite an interest in the arts. He drew a family portrait for a school project. All the figures were good, but yours was excellent! The chair and back of your head are very realistic. You would be proud of him. Little Jennifer turned 3 in September. She looks a lot like you did at that age. She is an attractive child and quite smart. She still remembers that you spent the whole afternoon with us on her birthday. What a grand day for Jen despite the fact that it was stormy and the electricity was out. I am doing well. I went blond about a year ago and was delighted to discover that it really was more fun. I discovered that the household chores are much easier since I realized that you don't mind being vacuumed and that the feather duster makes you sneeze. The house is in good shape. I had the living room painted last spring. I'm not sure if you noticed it. I asked the painters to cut air holes in the drop cloths so you wouldn't be disturbed. Well, dear, I must be going. The family is leaving on a ski trip and there is much packing to do. I've hired a house- keeper to take care of things while we are away. She'll keep things in order, fill your coffee cup and bring your meals to the computer room just the way you like it. I hope you and the computer have a lovely time while we are gone. Tommy, Jen and I think of you often. Try to remember us while your disks are booting....Love, Cindy.
  20. I think perhaps the corporate edition you have has a different removal method. Have you tried uninstalling in safe mode by the way?
  21. Just had a quick look around for you, depending on which edition it is there is, http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/ent-s...=&osv_lvl=&seg= or for another version http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/ent-s...=&osv_lvl=&seg= sound tricky , but it depends on how confident you are !!
  22. This was an article today http://theinquirer.net/?article=29625
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