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Posts posted by rridgely

  1. Just thought I would share my find with all of the openoffice users.

    Here is a nice collection of impress templates.



    Now I just need to find out where OpenOffice keeps its templates so they show up in the master pages in beta 2.0.


    Their is lots of great stuff on that page for openoffice users besides templates as well.




    Here is another link with some impress templates as well as a few other types of templates.


    (Look around the top of the page and you can download all of the ones here in a zip file. Its about 2mb).



    This is yet another site with templates. These are for powerpoint but they work with impress as well. This is the best free collection I have found.


  2. CaPMan's right thats not quite what I was looking for. What I want are back grounds for power point. Thanks anyway Hazelnut.



    I might just have to try some of that software though. It looks like all they want are email adresses and not phone numbers. Thanks for the link Hazelnut. :)

  3. Does anyone know of any good sites to get power point templates and clip art? I'm using open office and it dosent come with hardly any of these types of things. I figured since some of the others here use open office you might either have the same question or know some good sites.

  4. rridgely do you know a site or something that has all those tweaks for chrome editit thiing.

    I also need a like for the tweak thing.





    No, I always just got them from Tarun's site. To be honest though I just lost all of my firefox settings because I installed this extension:


    (STAY AWAY, I lost my extensions, themes, bookmarks, everything. I was not happy at all.)



    Well Tarun hasn't posted the tweaks on his site yet so I went and tried the latest release of the program called firetune. It is just about as good plus it makes a back up that you can use. I would use that in the mean time and then get the tweaks when Tarun has time to find them again.


  5. Its like the built in preloader for the mozilla suite. It keeps firefox loaded like the preloader but instead of exting firefox when you press the x it minimizes it to the system tray. That way you only have to wait for firefox to load the first time you start firefox.

  6. If they manage this one:

    Taking that a step further, the wheel, in conjunction with other technology, will also be able to gauge a driver?s temperament and blood pressure, adjusting the color of the headlights on the car to warn others of the driver?s mental state.


    I'm screwed. :D

  7. I would like to see you remember every program you use when your in a installing and uninstalling frenzy. :P I tried that extension at the same time as I found that tiny spell program. I tried about 5 other spell checkers too and didn't keep the ones I did not like(which was none of them) for more than 10 minutes. Anyway the only spell checking browser "plug in" that I have liked is the one that TwistedMetal put up for Opera.

  8. I am impressed that you made the spell check botton appear on the main standard botton line.  i did not know that was possible.  I would have assumed you had an extra toolbar.

    That is the reason I normally dont use any toolbars. They take up screen space.



    Why didn't you use one of those fancy FF extensions we are always hearing about?





    To my knowledge their isnt a spell check firefox extension yet. I'm sure somones working on it though. :P

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