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Posts posted by rridgely

  1. For back up most people dont keep an external hard drive plugged in all of the time(or I don't). If your just needing storage deffinately get a internal one.


    One word of advice is make sure you get a firewire drive if your pc supports it. I don't care what anyone says for a hard drive firewire is leaps and bounds ahead of usb2.0 .

  2. Did you purchase the program online? If so you will more than likely be able to redownload the program from the vendors site. Log into it and look around there will more than likely be a redownload link somewhere.

  3. Before you start spreading crap about CCleaner please tell me one thing.


    Do you use antivirus, antispyware, and have a firewall? Do you keep your pc defragged and maintained?


    If the answer is no than you cant possibly blame CCleaner for your poor performance.

  4. I think I have made up my mind on the next generation of video games. I'm going to wait untill the ps3 comes out and if it just blows my mind I'm going to get one. If not I'm going to build myself a tricked out sli(dual video card) gaming machine. By then I'm sure the technology in the pcs will catch up with the consoles.

  5. Trend Micro used to be the best antivirus period, but over time it became bloated and started to take more and more resources and have more and more components. I have tried the new version of trend micro and etrust is lighter on resources and has just as good of a scanner. The trendmicro antispyware is junk as is the firewall. I say give etrust a try and if you don't like it(you will) than you can just switch back(you won't).

  6. Etrust has smaller resouce usage than avg and a much better scanner. The real time scanner is second to none as well.



    Low resource

    Great real time scanner

    Great on demand scanner

    Cleans viruses that it finds(not all avs do this)

    Updated regularly

    Free program updates within you license



    Not free all of the time

  7. Yeah but its better than nothing. I know lots of people who use zone alarm and norton that shut it down when they play games to get their connection faster. I do this when I play unreal but I'm behind a router so it dosent even matter. The only reason I keep zone alarm is for out bound monitoring.

  8. Always update windows. Otherwise your brand new computer could be turned into a paper weight. Do not even connect it to the net without either putting a firewall or av first.


    Service pack 2 has nothing to do with performance its all security patches. Also you might not want to run a firewall like zone alarm because of performance but at least use the windows one or hook to the net through a router.

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