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Posts posted by rridgely

  1. No, I wouldnt get the visual basic runtimes since everything is fine. It shouldnt take that long anymore. I bet your pc has lots of file and it just needed to sort through them all. If you scan again does it still take that long?

  2. I visit a page and scroll down and i get a lines kinda like the page is loading but it wasent like this till after i restarted comp. also IE has no problem. i think the problem happend after i used NTREGOPT.






    Try creating a new profile. Here is a site with the instructions on how to do it.(Just make sure to back up your bookmarks.





    what's NTREGOPT?




    Google is your friend. :P


  3. Andavari what starts to malfunction on your ps2? Mine has some strange thing wrong with it where it wont play the old blue or purple discs. Other than that no problems for the close to 4 years that I have had it.


    As long as sony keeps getting metal gear and all of the platformers I will forever be a playstation fan (Almost forgot Grand Turismo). If I want FPS games than I will go play on my pc. I just don't see myself buying a console with only two or three good games.

  4. Agumon under zone alarm's alerts and logs tab choose off. Then you shouldnt get quite so many pop up boxes. The only ones you will still get are from programs that want to access the internet.

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