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Posts posted by rridgely

  1. Their is always some type of software that can get deleted files off of your pc. Their isnt really anything you can do about it. When you delete data off of your pc it isnt actually removed right away. Its just marked for deletion untill another program will use that space to overwrite its data. Their are a couple of programs that will overwrite data but it still can be recovered with an expensive program and a lot of time.

  2. Mr.G has given you his explanation about why he chose to put this option in CCleaner. It is up to him not us what abilities CCleaner has. He has given his point as to why he will keep prefetch cleaning in CCleaner. So to continue carrying on this discussion is pointless.

  3. This wasent a big deal before but then the member deerhaj(or whatever) had a whole action sequence from a movie as his avatar. It made the forum load really slow. So TM and I changed the rules. To be honest I think we need to allow smaller ones like you or incy had. I will discuss it with TM. Maybe we will allow avatars with up to 3 frames.

  4. The rules can be found here:



    It says that animated avatars are not allowed. Like I told you before though I never really notice it all that much. Just dont be surprised if it get removed. (This goes for everybody)


    To be honest incy wincy I dont think anyone removed your avatar before. I think the site that was hosting it lost the file.


    (I should mention that I have not removed anyone's avatar yet. If I do I will send you a PM.)

  5. I was truely shocked by this. They infected it in 8 seconds and manged to completely crash the system in 20 minutes. I guess its a good thing that all new pcs ship with sp2 already on them. At least the firewall will be turned on for the first time its connected to the net so that you have time to get a better firewall and an AV.

  6. What I have always done is in the settings of my scanner told it to upload my images to a program and I would edit and then save them from within that program. I use picasa now but I used to use Adobe photoshop album starter edition. I think your right about it being someting in the scanner. Good luck.

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