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Posts posted by rridgely

  1. How do you think it compares with FireFox?





    I don't know. I havent used the version without the ads yet but it is supposed to be really good. Some think it might even be better. I will have a better judgement of it in a couple of days. Why not get it now though while its free? It usually costs $20-$30.

  2. TwistedMetal you forgot to remove some of boots more offensive posts. Please do not remove the whole thread that he posted in. He posted in a couple of the more usefull ones and I dont want them to disappear.

    (If your not finished yet sorry).


    I await to hear what the solution to these problems are. Thanks for the post letting us know whats going on.

  3. Fixed, goes to show you how big of a piece ms works is. I opened it up real quick to check that too. ;)


    It would be hilarious if we all got banned for doing that. Then this forum really would die.

  4. Yes we need more moderators. Do I think we will get them? No because from what I can tell Mr.G dosen't read the posts anywhere but in the CCleaner discussion part of the forum.


    I was a little pissed that TwistedMetal deleted that topic in hardware where we were discussing the need for moderators.

  5. File sharing applications are not illegal. Sharing pirated files is only legal in Canada though.





    Who honestly uses file sharing programs to download legal content.


    I hate to break it to you but I have heard reports on various technology related sites that the law in canada is trying to be changed as we speak.

  6. I didnt really care. I don't think having a sig is all that important but I have seen some forums where they have huge 1500 post threads talking about what their sigs look like. I guess if I was talented with photoshop or something I would make one but I'm not. I can do basic stuff but none of the cool stuff you see in some places.


    I have no problem with sigs like Tarun who is advertising his site (its not huge and annoying) or Englishmen but Mangix's is too big and kind of pointless. Who needs to see a big 7 zip advertisement in every topic?

  7. Besides the fact that it makes their posts a pain to read it also causes problems for dial up users. The larger the pic the longer it takes for the page to load. I didnt even have a sig untill twistedmetal put a message in mine that I needed one. which is why I just put firefox and CCleaner in it.

  8. Most(I hope) of the users here dont use those programs. The reason for that being 1. Its illegal and 2. Its one of the easiest and most common ways to get viruses, worms, ect. I have cleaned countless pcs that have been infected because of using these programs. This wasnt as big of a problem 6 years ago but now its a huge risk.


    That being said here is a list of just about all of the available ones:


  9. and VLC requires plugins to play the files(i read that somewhere)





    I have tried to play just about every format with vlc and it has worked perfectly. I have never downloaded any plug ins and don't even see any plug ins listed on the web site. Have you even ever used VLC before?

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