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Posts posted by rridgely

  1. Well I was browsing through the download site softpedia.com and I was surprised that they have the IE 7 beta available. If this is legal or not I have no clue. I didnt download it just because I'm not sure if it will overwrite IE 6 and if it does I do not know how stable it is. Anyway if your just itching to try out IE 7 here is where to get it.



    Like I said I don't know how legal or stable IE 7 is though. So download at your own risk. ;) If you do try it tell us what you think of it though. :D

  2. You didn't play super metroid on the snes? :blink: That is one of the greatest games of all time. Anyway I have a friend with a gamecube and I played almost all of the way through metroid prime and its a great game. The only thing it lacked was online multiplayer (nintendo kind of missed out on online).

  3. This might work. (I saw this on tv) Go to the site you want the movie on in firefox and right click and choose view page info> media tab. Look for the movie in the list. If it shows up than highlight it and choose save as.


    Also try right clicking on it and choosing save target as. If those don't work than I don't think you can.

  4. I found out about ewido when I was looking through the spyware warrior forums. They used it in conjunction with the rest of the programs we have been recomending to get rid of some pretty serious malware. I have been meaning to ask Tarun about including it in his antimalware package and pc maintenance website.

  5. What exactly did it say? I don't let it run active protection on my system (only on demand scanning). Oli if you gave us all spyware or a virus from that site I will forever give you crap as long as you are on this forum. (Just kidding about the last part of course :D ). Anyway my system is locked up like a safe. B)


    Grungle be sure to let me know how the A squared scan goes in your other topic.

  6. If you don't mind can you name a few of those? I have installed ZA on my own pc and about 50 other friends and families pcs as well and the only time theirs has ever been a problem is when they blocked good processes. (Like IE). Now I have gotten better and remember to train ZA before I leave.

  7. Like I said this problem dosent bother me that much. The only issue I have with zone alarm is that it messes with some of my games. I play Unreal Tournament 2004 a lot and whenever I have ZA running the game tells me that I'm using a speed hack. No I do not cheat and it only happens when ZA is running. Other than that Zone Alarm fits my needs perfectly.

  8. I'm one of the seven or eight people who still uses - and LIKES - Netscape.


    Any chance CCleaner will learn to clean up after 8.0?  :rolleyes:





    I think its supposed to. Make sure you have netscape installed in the default location and then reinstall CCleaner and see if it shows up in the applications tab.

  9. I wonder why he chose you and not Tarun? I know you are capable of checking HJT logs but I don't recall you ever doing it (or at least it was a while ago). Thats the main thing that makes me think its a scam. I don't know if mrg or twistedmetal would do anything or not. I would just ignore it.

  10. Nope, I would not reply to that. Just send him a pm that he should post a hijack this log. Either hes a con artist or he thinks that thiers some sort of private info in a log (Which to the newbies on here their is not.)

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