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Posts posted by rridgely

  1. I dont think your perfect or a genious but I do think your pretty smart. I have been coming here for 4 months now and have been very impressed by the stuff I have seen you fix and solve. I also have learned a good bit from coming here and reading yours and a few others posts.

  2. If your a guy newhotness sorry. ;) Usually I can tell by the username but yours could go either way. I checked the thread were we asked if your a male or female and you didnt post.


    Eldmannen is probably smart but your right CaPMan he just dosent know how to show it correctly. I just dont get how he hasnt figured it out yet. While I usually agree with his recommendations with freeware thats not what people are looking for.

  3. Give Googles email service a try, Gmail. www.gmail.com

    It is much better than hotmail, you dont see banners that slow down site, you dont almost-get-forced to signup on newsletters. You can filter, label and "starr" and archive mails and search them. Over 2 gigabyte space.





    Stop posting please. I was trying to lay off you but you didnt even read the post. Newhotness already has a gmail acount, it says in her post that she is trying to send her hotmail emails to her gmail account. So Eldmannen either read the whole post and answer thier question or just dont respond. I would love to see you actually answer someones question. You act like your smarter than everyone but you have never actually solved someones problem.

  4. I was just on that site this morning and didnt even notice the upgrade. :huh:

    Thanks for the info agumon. :D


    This release actually seems faster than the last.

  5. I got curious from this and went and installed it to see for my self. Well its ok but I didnt like the fact that I couldnt move it. Its just another big toolbar thier that I cant move the buttons on so that I still only have two actual toolbars. In IE I could do this with the yahoo toobar. As for the features their ok but I probably wouldnt use them. I still dont see the point of using a google search toolbar and a yahoo search toolbar. I'm always going to go to the google site and search from there. Maybe its habit or maybe I'm stubborn but I just wouldnt use them. So I uninstalled it.

  6. I think you should deffinately upgrade just because of the security pathces. From what I've read people who have issues updating to sp2 usually had other problems before like having lots of spyware and viruses. Also alot of the time they were using pirated copies of xp and their product key wouldnt work.


    Look at everything on this page and you should be ok.



    I'm curious to hear what people like Tarun and Djlizard say but I'm sure they'll agree with me.

  7. My favorite bands (Theirs a lot of them):

    not in this order



    Rolling Stones

    Led Zepplin

    Guns n Roses


    Pink Floyd



    Pearl Jam


    Red Hot Chilli Peppers

    Dave Mathews Band


    ect. (could go on for days)


    I'm going to see U2 in november and saw Aerosmith last year. B)

  8. Does anyone here have a cable modem through adelphia? I finally managed to fix my spare pc and need to put a firewall and antivirus on it. I was just wondering if anyone here has tried the free zero knowledge security suite that they offer. I'll probably just put avast and zone alarm on it. Just wondering if anyone here uses it.


    Also I DO NOT want antivirus and firewall recommendations. Those are all over the forum and I gave my opinions in most of them.(This is for the newer people). This is why I put it in the lounge section. All I want to know is if anyone has used zero knowledge security programs before. If you have are they worth using?

  9. Agumon it is legal to use bittorent as long as the content that your downloading is legal. Like the link that I put in my first post is legal. Now that site that grimdoc is talking about is illegal. Its every bit as bad as using p2p programs.

  10. I didnt click on your link ;). I wouldnt get one of those actually. Mostly because in about 1-2 years the new HD DVDs and Blu Ray DVDs will be out and those drives will be obsolete. Why not just get a regular dvd or dual layer dvd burner? I've never seen one of those before, Im curious why would you want one? I looked at the advantages and disadvantages and still dont see the point. They cost more and are not compatible with all drives, while the only advantage is it could be rewritten 100,000 times (who needs that?) and it comes with cases.


    Those actually remind me of those mini discs that sony made that never took off. I dont know though maybe that technology is more widely used in the UK but here in the US no one ever used it.

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