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Posts posted by rridgely

  1. This seems stupid. Why would you want the screen to dim on a laptop. Its not like a cell phone where the screen is only 2 inches. Oh well, another thing learned I guess.

  2. Their trying to compete with gmail. Unless it has free pop support I wount go near it. Agumon do you have a gmail account? If not Ill send you an invite if you want.

  3. I dont think Bill Gates needs anymore money, but I cant blame him for wanting to stop thieves. The only issue I have with this is you have to use IE for it to detect that windows advantage thing. I have a feeling that this is just the start of it though. I bet Windows vista or longhorn or whatever their going to call it is going to have a crazy amount of problems with this kind of stuff.

  4. This dosent bother me. It takes about an extra 5 seconds for them to look for that activex control they put on your system and thats it. The only reason that this should be a problem is if you have a pirated copy of windows. Who can blame MS though? I know if people were stealing stuff from me that costs over $100 I would try to stop them. Any I'm curious to hear what everyone else thinks too.

  5. Ad-Aware is known for freezing during scans, freezing during quarantines/deletes, and crashing in general, so it's no surprise to those that use Ad-Aware on a daily basis





    I havent noticed that problem with the last version though. I'm sure you scan more computers than I do but for the 20-30 I've used it on it has never froze.

  6. Eldmannen, you once said it contains spyware; that's what it does.  I forgot to thank you for helping DAF's reputation on that one.


    Where did he do that at? I don't remember ever seeing anything here.

  7. Ignore what I had here. Go to your log I recommened a few other programs. Run those, then post a new log. If all else fails then I will show you the bad entries.

  8. Does it make the noise even while open? If not than you could just leave it open, or just go ahead and disconnect it. As for a new drive, it depends on what you want it to do. Do you want a cd or dvd burner?

  9. I was waiting to see if anyone was going to reply to this. The bad news it that theirs not really that much you can do when a cd drive starts to die. You can try cleaning it with a laser lens cleaning disc and a can of compressed air. If your pc is still under waranty you should get them to replace it. If not then buy a new one and install it yourself or if your not comfortable taking your pc apart than take it to a repair shop. (Its not hard to do though.)

  10. corjello I really don't want to be an ass (I dont like being the forum police) but stop posting things like "I dont know, wait for someone else". All it does is make threads longer and make the person who asked the question mad. Also do not suggest alternatives untill the problem is solved.


    twistedvincent did you install opera to the same location on both computers?

  11. Thats strange, after I installed it firefox took an unusually long amount of time to start up then my homepage and no other sites would load. I uninstalled it and things worked fine. Maybe I'll try it again later.

  12. From what I get of your question you want to know if you do a search on google and click on a link. Then go back to the google seach the link should have turned purple. If thats what your talking about than it should do it by default. If thats not what your talking about than I don't know.

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