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Posts posted by rridgely

  1. Connected to my router I have two pcs and occasionally a laptop. The two desktops are wired and sitting right next to the router. The laptop is connected wirelessly and is my friends who dosent have high speed internet, so he leeches off my connection when he comes over. The only reason I bought a wireless router is that within the next 3 or 4 months I plan to buy a laptop.


    The main thing to look for is to make sure you get an 802.11g card. Other than that is dosent really matter.


    Linksys wireless desktop card:


  2. :rolleyes: That is exactly what I ment :sarcasm:. :rolleyes:


    If you would have read the title of the thread "Update windows through firefox..." I think you would have made the connection that I am referring to Microsoft Windows and not "AV,Spyware and other non MS progs."


    If you are unable to connect the title of this thread to my post then good luck.  :wacko:


    But my original point remains; I would not download Microsoft updates from a non-Microsoft website.






    I agree with you 100%. Humpty was caught skimming! :P (Kidding of course, we all do it. :lol: )

  3. Sorry your last post was a little confusing, my fault for putting a non relating question in the same thread.


    First point, regarding capturing avi files and codecs.  I use Snagit to capture trailers for my video store and put them in powerpoint to run trailers.  It's a low spec PC and I wondered if anyone knew what are the best codecs for Apple trailers as I am getting mixed results. I know it's not related to this thread so pleasefeelfree todelete this (moderators)


    Secondly I am searching in Windows explorer to see if there are still traces of "TheKing" files data and it comes up positive, just thought that CC would clear it, that's all.





    Ok, I understand what you want now (I had no clue before). About the codecs, not really my expertise. Start a new topic called video codecs or something and explain what you want to do. I know a couple of the other members here know a lot about codecs.


    about "The king" files. CCleaner isnt perfect and some programs uninstall so badly that nothing will fix them but manual removal. If your going to delete them be carefull not to accidentally delete any necessary files.

  4. I know it migt appear cheeky but does this remove all traces of that program from my system and enable me to download again???





    Probably not. You can try if you want but it is more than likely just going to tell you that the trial has expired. It depends on how deeply that program went into the registry.

  5. He can't fix checked, as you can't check that item off since it's a task.

    Because it's not in things you can fix via HijackThis.  Do a Ctrl Alt Delete, Process tab and End Task from there.





    I don't know why I keep doing that! :angry: (Its happened twice in the last three days).

  6. The router will have four ethernet ports in the back to use for wired connections. To have a desktop connection to be wireless you will need a wireless adapter card. (802.11g for the best speed.)


    Sorry, but I dont use instant messaging at all (I don't even have an account). If you have any questions just send me a PM or post here (I come here at least once a day).

  7. In hijack this put a check mark next to the following entry:




    Now click fix checked. Next run CCleaner and see if you get the error.



    Ignore above (Sorry :( ) I'm doing to many things at one time.


    Here is what you need to do.


    1. Open hijack this.

    2. Click open misc tools section.

    3. Click open process manager.

    4. Find this entry:



    5. Highlight and choose Kill process.

    6. Now close hijack this and run CCleaner.

    7. Tell me if you get the error


    Edit Again. ;)

    Do what Tarun said. My way works too but his is easier.

  8. I got mine on sale at staples for about $40 ( A couple of months ago.)


    At bestbuy it costs $70.



    The best deal they have is a firewalled/wireless netgear router for $30. It seems to have the exact same specs as my linksys router too.



    Here is the manufacturers website for the netgear router:



    If I was going to go out and buy one right now, thats the one I would get. If you plan to wait a while then keep a look out for sales.

  9. Your sure that you never plan to buy a laptop with wireless internet? Or put a PC in another room away from the modem? Well, I did a bit of bargain hunting for wired routers for you. I think I found the best deals you will find right now. (These things are constantly being put on sale).


    Both are from circuit city and are under $25.


    They have a linksys router with a $10 instant and $10 rebate that would make it $20.



    They have a D link router for $25 with no rebate.



    I think either of those would be good, but my vote is with the linksys. You might want to do a bit of hunting though. Now these don't have firewalls, so you might want to consider that.


    This is a wired linksys firewalled router for $50



    The thing is that you can get a wireless router with a firewall like mine for $60.



    You just have to get something that fits your needs and wants. I would just do some research.

  10. I just have their basic cable modem deal. I live in Georgia so I'm not sure if I live in a better connection area than you or not.


    I also have a crappy moterolla surf board modem, I hate it. I don't get why it dosen't have an off button so you can reset it.


    I don't know if my router affects my speed or not. I'm behind a standard linksys wireless/firewall router.

  11. It seems microsoft found out about Softpedia hosting IE 7. This is now written above the description:


    Because this version of Internet Explorer 7 is intended only for developers and registered beta testers, Microsoft has asked us to stop distributing the setup files. Therefore, Internet Explorer 7 is no longer available for download from this page.


    However, we will post it here as soon as the beta goes public, so make sure you periodically check back.





    I wonder if their will be any legal problems for softpedia because of this.

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