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Posts posted by rridgely

  1. Do you know what media player that Media Player Classic is based on? Anyway, why download a program and a bunch of codecs when you can download one program that plays them all?

  2. lol the K-Lite codec pack owns VLC because with it, i can play even more formats with Media Player Classic, and basically any other media player





    lol with vlc I didnt have to fool with the outdated media player classic or the bloated klite codec pack.

  3. Just press the below button then run hostsman and search for duplicates as i said and that's it.







    Off topic but Englishmen what theme are you using? Can you put up some links? I'm still using the beach background that comes on xp and the royale theme. :lol: (I'm paranoid to download this kind of stuff. It seems I always manage to find the sites that package their downloads with spyware).

  4. There is also a nother free one here:



    I'm currently having problems with media portal but I think its my fault. ;) Everytime I open it freezes up on me.




    Well I have no use for this program. If you always wanted to play around with media center give these a try you might like it but I didnt.

  5. I was browsing digg.com and found a topic about a open source media center alternative. I'm downloading it right now but it looks awesome:


    MediaPortal turns your PC in a very advanced Multi-MediaCenter / HTPC.

    It allows you to listen to your favorite music & radio, watch your video's and DVD's, view, schedule and record live TV and much more. You get Media Portal for free/nothing/nada/nopes and best of all it is opensource. This means anyone can help developing Media Portal or tweak it for their own needs!

  6. I ran RegSeeker and deleted everything they said I should and couldn't even open my e-mails and had to system restore. So needless to say that program went bye-bye.





    That is why the only program I will let touch my registry is CCleaner.

  7. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw that. This guy had been posting "help" all over the forum and then he said that using ms config could violate your warranty! Who the hell came up with that one? :wacko:

  8. Your not going to get an answer from djlizard because he quit coming here (sadly). Anyway its a known fact that firefox is slow as hell compared to IE when it comes to start up.


    Firefox does everything else better but this. I have a 2.0 ghz sempron and 512 mb ram and firefox takes a long time to load without the preloader.

  9. Aqumon,

    The link you gave I went and checked out what was in my startup.

    Under the N's (250-299) was NvCplDeamon - a trojan!


    Good job I took another good look, my invdia graphic card is NvCplDaemon just one letter different.


    However I liked that site, (even though it nearly gave me a heart attack)





    You have to be carefull when searching those sites. I use a couple of them when cleaning hijack logs. I also like to just put it in google and see what pops up. here are the sites I use:






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