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Posts posted by rridgely

  1. Sadly your connection isnt 10mb. If I look at the network connections screen this is what I get




    I think thats just how fast your sending info to and from your provider not other servers. I wish my connection was 100mb :D (If I test it on the site that you went to I get 4mb).

  2. Nothing is misunderstood and no one here has to explain anything to you. We have already established that we are debating over a few seconds. This is a feature that was put into CCleaner by the programer. Neither you nor I can change that. If you would like I recommend you contact Mr.G and tell him what you think. He may or may not take your advice, and thats his decision.

  3. My question for you is this. CCleaner is only getting rid of "old" prefetch data. So by getting rid of the old data could that make windows write the more recent data faster? If so than could that improve performance by seconds? Which might be why your pc feels like its running faster for a couple of minutes after using CCleaner.

  4. Mastertech I'm not saying your wrong but you are being unreasonable. To say that you want a feature taken out when others use/like it is not fair. If you dont want people to use it than tell the ones on your site to uncheck that box. If mr.g took that out for the next version I gurantee you someone will come and ask that he put it back in.

  5. Found this on Dailylocal.com:


    The Rav4 came to a stop on the shoulder and a search of the vehicle found 23 doses of LSD, hallucinogenic mushrooms, a pipe and rolling papers, police said.





    Now it makes sense. If I was that cop and could get up afterwards, I would have beat the living hell out of the driver. I'm sure he is facing some serious jail time though.

  6. First let me say this, who honestly gives a damn what Kanye West thinks? I sure as hell don't (or any other entertainer for that matter). Do I think George Bush is a racist? No, not at all. He has had more minorities in his administartion than probably any other president, including his secretary of state Condolezza Rice. (As far as I know, she is the only minority to ever hold this postion besides Colin Powell who was also under Bush. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)


    The huricane was an unpredictable disaster. No one knew it was going to be as bad as it was. The citizens in New Orleans were given an evacuation order and were warned what could happen if they did not leave.


    This accusation about the delay of aid is completely false. They have been rescuing people from their homes and have been moving them to surrounding states. They are getting supplies to people as quickly as possible. Not to mention that it dosent help that the people are rioting. I watched a report about a medical team who went into the Super Dome to help people and they were shot at!


    The little comment about the black people getting food and its looting and the white people getting food is ok is complete bull s**t as well. They are not arresting people who are getting food from the grocery store. They are arresting people who are going into electronics stores, car lots, ect. and stealing everything (White or Black)!


    None of this matters though. The most important thing right now is getting those people to saftey. All that we can do is donate what we can and send our prayers.I just get so tired of this nonsense.

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