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Posts posted by rridgely

  1. They havent said anything about the online factor yet. I know the ps3 is supposed to have built in wireless networking but thats about it. I'm predicting something simmilar to xbox live though. Sony missed this time on online I'm sure/hoping they wont make the same mistake twice.

  2. I personally want a ps3. I will wait untill it comes out before I choose which one I get though. More than likely after a few years of them being released I will end up with both. :D


    I refuse to buy the nintendo revolution for the plain and simple fact that the controller is a tv remote.

  3. I was browsing through snapfiles when I came across a cool little program called artrage. I tried it but I'm no artist (my creations were pitiful :lol: ). Its cool and fun, so try it. :)



    ArtRage is a unique painting software, that lets you draw on virtual canvas, using virtual drawing tools and produce a realistic (digital) painting. It provides several drawing tools, including chalk, crayon, felt pen, pencil and oil paint, as well as a virtual palette knife and different canvas style to choose from. It even comes with a virtual water glass to dip your paint brush... and can load an image of your choice to use it as virtual tracing paper for your painting. The interface is nicely designed and provides maximum work space while keeping all tools and option easily accessible. You can use ArtRage with a mouse, but it works particularly well if you have a graphics tablet, or even a TabletPC. The paintings can be saved or exported to JPG, BMP, PNG format.



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