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Posts posted by rridgely

  1. Sadly it's a part of life.  Consider the government.





    Actually us living in the US we are very fortunate when it comes to our government. Don't get me wrong I dont think its perfect here or anything but when I look at countries like Saudi Arabia or Iran and I thank god that I'm here.


    I'm not going to get into politics with you though, because I know for a fact that I disagree with you on many issues.

  2. I have given up on the idea that their will be a time with no malware. Their is just to much of this crap in circulation to ever be truely rid of it. I have a relative whose ISP actually cut their internet off when she got a trojan on her pc. I had to go fix it and to no surprise she had absolutely no antimalware programs on her pc. I guess in this cased a forced av program would have been a good idea. But like I said I don't like the idea of anything being forced on me.

  3. I would rather them include it on a cd with the modem and just suggest that you install it and/or add it as part of the instructions of setting up your internet. Honestly who wouldnt use it if they didnt already have any security programs. I think most users would install it willingly. I just dont like the idea of anything on my pc being mandatory, even something like an av that I would have anyway.

  4. I can get something simmilar with my isp (Adelphia). Its called freedom internet security. The thing with these all in one type programs is that they do everything but nothing very well. I would rather get my AV from an AV company, my firewall from a firewall company, ect. These programs are just too bloated. Do you really need an antispam(shouldnt if you have Thunderbird) or a pop up blocker?


    Thats just my take on it though. If you tried it and like it why not use it for free. I'm curious to see if anyone else here uses your isp though.(I've never heard of it before.)

  5. This is the problem with programs like winpatrol and maybe yours (I still havent tried it yet.) Inexperienced pc users or the ones who would need this type of program will not have it set up correctly. Then it will be causing more harm than good.


    Like Tarun said the best defense is knowledge.

  6. The best antispyware guard that I have seen is MSAS. The thing is that I dont think that these types of scanners are needed. I think if you have a firewall, an antivirus, spyware blaster, and use firefox you should be just fine.


    Just scan once every couple of weeks and you should be spyware free. If you have just tons of scanners running all the time it will really bog down your pc.

  7. avast! Home Edition or AVG Free Edition?





    I install avg on other peoples pcs when I clean them just because you dont have to register every couple of months. That way I know they will always have an antivirus. I also had some problems with avast detecting viruses and not removing them.


    To be honest I don't think I will ever be able to use anything but Etrust from now on.

    Link to one year free trial of EZ Antivirus.(which is about to expire)



  8. I know nothing about overclocking memory, sorry. My advice to you is to ask Djlizard how to do it on his forum. Maybe Andavari, CaPMan, or Mangix knows how to do it though.

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