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Posts posted by rridgely

  1. Its your lucky day! I dont know much about linux but right now a version called linspire wich usually costs money is giving away their program for a couple of days. It is probably the most user friendly, so I would try that and see if you can get the hang of it. Then you can get into the more hardcore geek versions.


    Here is a link to the linspire site:



    Here is where to get the offer for the free download:


  2. That worked brillaintly, though when I go to install the programn it is saying it is goint to install the version, when I want the bet 2?





    Thats right, for whatever reason thats the name they gave the beta versions. (1.9....)I saw that you were using 1.1.1 believe me you will be able to tell its the new 2.0. :)

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