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Posts posted by rridgely

  1. explorer.exe is the Windows Program Manager or Windows Explorer. It manages the Windows Graphical Shell including the Start menu, taskbar, desktop, and File Manager. By removing this process the graphical interface for Windows will disappear.
  2. Can you imagine the next day at school?


    "Thats the kid whose dad hit my dad in the head with a chair"




    "Thats the kid whose mom pissed in her pants so she wouldn't loose her place in line"


    This is just madness, it's the same thing as the parents who fight at their kids sporting events. I just don't get the type of person who would be apart of these types of incidents. Sure I might have gone and stood in a 30 minute line but I would not have been apart of an all out brawl.

  3. i give up still not working...





    I don't know what else to tell you. I set mine up in about 5 minutes. Somethings not right in your settings this is what my connections look like:





    Please put up a screen shot of that on your pc so I can see how your configured to get on the net.

  4. The registry cleaner in CCleaner is definitely the safest reg cleaner their is. I have been using CCleaner for over two years now and it has never once caused any problems. The reason is that it isnt exactly all that powerful. Its for exactly what you used it for, removing the remnants left over from deleting software.


    I trust the reg cleaner so much that I don't make back ups and have told it to even stop asking me to make backups.

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