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Posts posted by rridgely

  1. Check these in hijack this and then choose "fixed checked".



    R3 - Default URLSearchHook is missing


    O2 - BHO: (no name) - {5C8B2A36-3DB1-42A4-A3CB-D426709BBFEB} - (no file)


    O2 - BHO: Internet Explorer Web Content Catcher - {FFF4E223-7019-4ce7-BE03-D7D3C8CCE884} - C:\Program Files\DNS\Catcher.dll



    Uninstall that ram program and the download manager that you have installed. Then reboot and post a new log. Let me know if anything has changed as well.

  2. I agree with everything except


    RegWatcher: Configurable Registry Protection (http://www.jacobsm.com/mjsoft.htm)


    ProcessGuard: Limits application rights


    An outbound firewall and microsoft antispyware should be sufficient. Running too many of these programs will slow down your pc. The best defense is a router. This will limit just about everything that can get into your pc.

  3. The new version of Etrust is better, but I prefer CA corporate if I had to choose between the two.  Remember that Etrust in not freeware; I believe the year license, offered by Microsoft, is no longer offered .



    If it were up to me I would advise using KAV 5/6 beta, NOD32 2.5, or VBA32.  But none of them are freeware.

    I like nod32 but not Kaspersky. Its become every bit as bloated and junky as the rest of those security suites. The standalone av is good but it still costs $40. Why use this when I can get etrust for $20.


    Freeware, no matter what product, is not as good as payware products

    Not true. Sure you can say that a free version of a piece of software is not as good as the exact same piece of softwares pay version but I can build a suite of free aplications that is better than norton or any other suite. You just have to know what to get.

  4. As far as Etrust in concerned, I have used it before and found it to be very easy to use to rather high on system resources, not able to clean everything and mediocrea at detection.


    Have you tried the latest version? Because it uses less resources than Avast or AVG and I have never had infection that it wouldn't remove.





    My experience with Avast has been lack luster. I was once cleaning a pc that was infested with trojans and all avast would do is detect them and then lock up. I also have had problems with it detecting a virus and not removing it. The times that I have used avg it had no such problems.

  5. Well, Etrust isn't even on any of those comparisons. Antivir from what I understand dosent have true automatic updates(may have changed), and I did say I like avast.


    Have you even tried Etrust before? Because I have used all of those programs.

  6. I think this thread was about integrated security suites and not so much about individual products.

    Yes but those types of security suites are junk and the configuration I posted is much better and lighter on resources. I say don't suggest alternatives when someone has a problem but when it will save them $70 or $80 I think they will be ok with it.



    As for stand-alone firewalls, SYGATE personal firewall is probably one of the best, and I have read elsewhere that the newer versions of OUTPOST are supposed to be top-notch as well (though I had problems with the first few releases).




    Zone Alarm is easier to use and sygate has been know to just stop working randomly. Outpost is good but not the free version.

  7. Well, a couple of people who come to this forum have said it was buggy (people who I trusts opinion). I never upgraded to 6 and have had zero problems with 5.5.094. When you download it just make sure you turn off alerts and logs and everything should be perfect.

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