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Posts posted by rridgely

  1. Thanks for the very indepth explenation. I guess I should have read up on this when I was ripping all of my cds. I will seriously consider looking into one of those lossless codecs. My question is can you burn them into cds without loosing anything? Or is that considered transencoding as well?


    Sorry about the walmart thing. It just pisses me off that they put copy protection of songs that she paid for.


    I know what you mean about the live music scene but some bands its almost a crime to not hear live. I'm not really a collector but I have about a show or two of some of my favorite bands.

  2. If avg, etrust, and avast arent working there is something up with your pc. I know had norton before did you completely get rid of it? Are there any remnants of it that you see in add remove programs?


    Also what errors or problems did the other avs give you?

  3. All of my stuff is encoded in 256kb mp3. Its something I regret now because if I try to listen to anything on something that dosent support mp3 it sounds like crap. I have to ask what exactly is all of you music? Is it live recordings and bootlegs or is it all officially released albums?


    Since you seem to be the audio expert I have a few questions for you.


    1. I encoded about 5 my cds in the new windows media lossless format. What should I use to convert that into some other format so that I can burn cds and play them on my mp3 player.(I dont like burning discs with WMP)


    2. My sister bought some songs on walmarts music service. Is there a way to strip the copy protection? I know that I could burn the discs and then rerip them but that takes a long time.


    3. What lossless codec do you use? Also what do you use to convert them into that?

  4. Hi Brandy I must say first that I'm very impressed with your templates. They are nice looking and I would use them in my presentations.


    1. I downloaded two of them and they seemed to work great in openoffice. I didnt have any trouble changing the text or adding new slides. I suggest that you might want to get openoffice yourself and when you make new templates test them out in openoffice as well.



    2. I think its a good idea to have both abstract and specific type back grounds. This way even if you dont have a template specifically for what your doing you have one that you can use.


    Hope this is the type of feed back you were looking for.

  5. On my 2.4GHZ ASUSTeK Computer INC. P4S8X-MX Rev 1.xx system with a 80MB 7200RPM hard drive I do not notice any time difference in loading applications without the prefetch entry or with it.  :D





    Thats because it dosent make a differance. Mastertech is a looser with no life and he needed something to argure with people about so he chose this. Everyone else is ignoring him so we should too. :lol:

  6. 300 GB and 1.145 TB isn't overkill to me and some of my other music comrades. I have a huge music collection that could easily feel up some of the largest hard drives or combination of hard drives you guys can think of because I ripped and encoded my audio CD's to a lossless audio format, WavPack to be precise.






    How many gb of music do you have? I have close to thirty on this pc and my hard drive isnt half way full.

  7. I can't see anyone needing a 300gb external hard drive. For back up I would think that 100-200gb is more than enough.(and these drives are almost half the price)


    120gb firewire $106



    160gb firewire $115



    250gb USB 2.0 $140



    I couldnt see anyone using more than that. My pc has a 200gb hard drive and its not even close to being full. Thats counting windows and all of my programs.



    Here is the search I did at newegg.


  8. To insert a page number open up your footer or header and put the cursor there. Now go to insert>Fields>Page number.


    I cant figure out how to get rid of autoformating. I'm still looking for this but if I cant find it I will ask the people at the openoffice forum. I'm a member but I only posted twice there.

  9. Spyware blaster will prevent you from being infected by a lot of stuff. Download it and update it and you will you can look at the database to see all of the stuff it protects you from. Also it dosent actively run anything so it wont cause any slow down.



    CWShredder is for cool web search infections.


    Why do you think spybot screwed up you pc? I have installed it a lot of pcs and never had any issues.(although I do not like its real time protection.)

  10. Thank you englishmen I will see if the torrent is any faster. Alos that filerush site looks pretty cool, too bad there isnt very many seeds on it. Thanks again, once I get AA up and running we should have a CCleaner tournament. B)



    I tried the torrent and its just as slow. So, I went to gamespot and registered for a free account. Its download pretty fast and says it should be finished in about an hour.(not bad for a one gig download).

  11. It's been a while since I have added anything to this list so I figured it was about time. Here are the new freeware programs that I have been using since my last posts.


    Media Monkey

    This is a great audio player for someone with a very large collection. It automatically scans your hard drive for music and organizes them into categories within the player. If you sit in front of your PC and listen to music a lot, this is the player to have.



    Jet Audio

    This is my favorite audio player for on demand listening. It has the best effects and equlizers out of any of the players that I have tried.



    Creature House Expression

    This is a nice little art program with some cool features that you wont find anywhere. Its what Microsoft's new Acrylic is derived from. If you missed the Acrylic beta(its available with a time limited trial) than get this. (you need a .net passport)



    Seriff Aplications

    This company offers the older versions of its programs for free. You do have to give them an email though (just use your spam account).

    I use:

    • Draw Plus 4.0
      Great for making posters, signs,ect. Comes with lots of templates and a great wizard to help you get started.
      Page Plus
      This is a desktop publishing program for making cards, brochures, invitations, post cards, just about anything that would take tons of formating in a regular word processor.
      Photo Plus
      This is a very feature rich image editing program. I use this in place of the Gimp because for whatever reason the Gimp dosen't like computers with built in card readers.


    A very cool art program that allows you to paint, draw, and color on various types of canvases. Very good for artists and fun for everyone else.




    A program that integrates with Picasa and allows you to share your pics with you friends. The images even show up in your friends picasa organized just like they were on you pc.



    Google Earth

    Just the coolest thing I have seen in a long time. Try to find your house!




    Tweaks firefox and will make a back up of your profile. One button equals blazing speed.



    I'm sick of typing more coming soon. :lol:

  12. The new version of abiword came out on october 3rd it features one thing that open office dosent, a grammer checker! Any openoffice user should have this because it opens faster and has better dictionaries and features. Make sure you download all of the extras and dictionaries to truely unlock this little programs full potential.



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