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Posts posted by rridgely

  1. Nice to have you back. :lol:


    The way you described your lifestyle, sounds a bit like my eldest son, he's 17.





    Life is good too me at the moment. I'm just dreading getting a job in the next month or too, and by then schools starts back up :( . I'm just enjoying it while I can B) .

  2. rridgely, notice how I let you take over once the hard bit had been done. :D


    Or maybe you just have more time than me. You are always on here. :)


    If I have a quick look when I am at work, you are on here,

    If I have a quick look when I get home, you are still on here.

    When I finally get on at night, guess what you are here.


    Although you are not at the moment.


    STRANGE, where is rridgely?





    I think the times that we are on here just match up some how. I have alot of spare time right now because schools out. I spend my time at 3 places: the pool, computer, amusement parks. I also seem to have insomnia so I have a lot of 2 AM posts as well. Actually I'm about to start being very busy so I will have to start spending less time here. I also think you see me on here a lot because I leave my pc on all day and I forget to sighn off of the forum.

  3. It's safe to let CCleaner deleate everything it can. Even the Issues scanner is completely safe and will speed up your PC. The only thing that I dont have checked is the advanced options under the windows tab.

  4. Actually CCleaner should have cleaned out the search history. Start up CCleaner and look under the Windows tab and internet explorer and see if every thing is checked.

  5. In firefox you go to tools>options>privacy>saved form info>clear. You can also uncheck the box and it wont save the information ever again. Give me a minute and I will try to remember how to do it for IE.

  6. I am almost sure that I saw a post where he said he is from the UK. In the meantime if you run into any 11 year olds ask them what CCleaner is, if they know what your talking about smack them in the back of the head and tell them to stay off of the forum. :D

  7. If you sell your car then you dont have to pay the car insurance then you will save more money.


    Then you can walk and your feet will be strong!





    That is the stupidest thing I have heard in a while. I dont know what it's like where you live but here everything is far away, so walking is pretty much not an option. Next time you go on a vacation dont fly, just walk and see how it goes. Or since you live in the UK try to swim to the US. You will drown but at least it wont cost you anything. <_<

  8. You must have just missed it somewhere. I cant see it not having a windows folder. I dont even want to think what would happen If you deleate that folder.


    Also if you still cant find it you might want to make sure it dosent have any strange software on it that limits what you have access to on the PC. Some business do that so its workers cant mess up the computer and so that they only do work on it. I dought this is the case but you never know.

  9. CaPMan your starsighn is a bull. And Tarun it was either my ESP skills or his post on your forum about requesting a rank. You can decide which.




    I was writing at the same time as CaPMan.

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