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Posts posted by rridgely

  1. PM me your email and I will send you a gmail invite (This goes for anyone else who wants one as well). As for changing the icons of my documents icon ect. Right click on your desktop go to properties, then go to the desktop tab, then click customize desktop.

  2. Listen , Have you ever wondered why so many people in this forum have it out for you?

    STOP & THINK.. This many people can't all be wrong ...you must be doing something to piss them off...... <_<

    Regroup yourself and stop posting for a while and make some adjustments in the way you present yourself.... :) This is just a suggestion and you are , of course free to take your own course of action.

    You seem like a somewhat knowledgeable person.Just get your act together.. :)

    Oh, and I will take one of those Ferrari's for free ..........Red or Black ..doesn't matter..


    Couldnt have said it better myself. Eldmannen this is good advise, you should really pay attention to it.

  3. No joy with that one,

    Still have the problem.


    It cant be the keyboard if one keypress works ok can it?

    Surely this means the key is functioning OK.


    I do normally take it apart every so often and give it a good wash in the kitchen sink but have not done that for a while maybe I should.





    I've neverheard of anyone washing thier keyboard in the sink before :huh: . Has this been a recent problem or has it been that way since you got your pc? Try going to the "printer and other hardware" section in the control panel and just playing around with the settings of your keyboards. Your right though it does sound like a configuration problem and not the keyboard itself.

  4. i assume that when you said open is by double clicking?





    I already downloaded the actual program Acrylic but I was just curious what Creature whatever did. I downloaded it and opened it up, used open to try and open a picture I took with my camera and it dosent support .jpg. So I'm just curious what that program was for before microsoft bought it.

  5. i do... and i depend on firefox for very long... currently trying avant... because sometimes i need to use internet explorer to view some websites (including my school website)...  and cannot stand internet explorer without tabbed browsing... so currently using a "version" of internet explorer that allow tabbed browsing... if satisfy with avant then i will use it whenever i need to view these sites... then switch back to firefox for normal day to day browsing...





    I've tried avant. Have your tried maxthon? I use it sometimes too and its faster than avant and has more featurs look here:


  6. If your Volvo is broken, then it's much better to get a Ferrari for free then try to fix it or get around it.





    I dont get it. He's always complaining about software not being free and now he is talking about buying a Ferrari. :huh:



  7. oh! i forgotten about it completely... :lol:

    to use it, open up your burner drive... and copy paste all the files you want to burn... then right click on empty windows space... and click on "Write these files to CD"...





    Thanks agumon I thought Xp had an actual burning aplication like nero or something oh well. Also about Acrylic have you tried the software its based on? you can find it on the MS site. Well I downloaded it thinking it was an image program but you cant open .jpg with it! So what exactly is that program for?

  8. microsoft is coming out all kinds of programs... seems like they want a market share in everything...



    maybe they will have program that is similar to macromedia flash... ripper and burner... blash blah blah...





    I was waiting to see if anyone was going to bring up this program. I dont get it what exactly is so special about this program? It seems like paint to me with a couple of effects. Also as far as the burner, xp is supposed to have one built in but I cant seem to find it (I've been wondering about that for awhile atcually).

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