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Everything posted by zaphirer

  1. hmm, just out of curiosity, you aren't using PowerDVD / any other DVD player, are you? I've heard that it can make massive logs that can quickly get bigger than 1gb
  2. Huh. Must not've noticed the pop-up, either that or was too busy at the time and just said "STOP BOTHERING ME!!!11!!" How could you tell it was the old one? I hope the new one doesn't change that much...
  3. Phishers are getting better and better =( Thanks for the heads up...
  4. Usually, I don't think you can use a PC as a switch/router etc.
  5. Amen to that The ATi 1800 is... X_X
  6. Nice and Clean ...Not clean. Very messy, but this is when I'm using my computer (no identity theft on GAIM please ) I change my desktop nearly every month...
  7. If you want, you can try using this program, which can modify start-up programs, plus it backs up all the ones you deleted... Unfortunately, there isn't a way to 'backup' CCleaner, and there probably never will be, since the whole point of it is to delete unnecessary files and free up space.
  8. I suppose, but it wouldn't have much to do with CCleaner... (unless you want a CCleaner that will completely wipe out your hard drive). You can also check each individual folder to see how much space it adds, and nowadays hard drive space is so cheap, you can probably get a 160 gig hard drive for <$50USD
  9. Nothing is completely reliable, and especially not that stupid polygraph (a.k.a. lie detector) machine.
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