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5.46 Latest Version Unwanted and Problems


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I disconnected from the internet, deleted everything in the C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder and reinstalled v5.40.  This time the install stayed at v5.40.  I went into the CCleaner options and unchecked "Inform me of updates to CCleaner."  The CCleaner Update task still shows in the Task Scheduler but the last run time is Never.

This is now all that is in the C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder after reinstalling with the internet disconnected.  The install files are all dated back to 02/07/2018 which is correct for v5.40.  I'll have to wait and see if an update check still runs and automatically updates to v5.46.  I am really beginning to hate Piriform for what they have done to CCleaner.


Win10 Pro x64 Desktop (Speccy) - Win10 Pro x64 Laptop (Speccy)

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I found 2 more instances of the ccupdate.exe file by looking in my firewall settings:



I deleted both files and removed the entries from the firewall list.

Win10 Pro x64 Desktop (Speccy) - Win10 Pro x64 Laptop (Speccy)

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Nope. Later this afternoon, CCleaner updated itself to v5.46 on both my Win7 PCs when I wasn't even using them.  I had left v5.40 installed for months with no problem.  I am so angry I am beyond words.  Looking in Task Scheduler, it still says CCupdate.exe has never run.

How is v5.46 getting installed and how do I stop it?

Win10 Pro x64 Desktop (Speccy) - Win10 Pro x64 Laptop (Speccy)

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15 minutes ago, nikki605 said:

Nope. Later this afternoon, CCleaner updated itself to v5.46 on both my Win7 PCs when I wasn't even using them.  I had left v5.40 installed for months with no problem.  I am so angry I am beyond words.  Looking in Task Scheduler, it still says CCupdate.exe has never run.

How is v5.46 getting installed and how do I stop it?

Yeah this issue is extremely annoying. I uninstalled CCleaner until there's more clarity around this issue. 

BTW The Task Scheduler is probably only reporting that CCUpdate.exe never ran because the task was reinstalled along with the rest of CCleaner when it updated to 5.46. It probably ran at least once prior to the update though.

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My CCleaner must have auto updated as well. The reason I know this is another bug in the latest version.

I can't run CCleaner from the recycle bin link any longer. I had installed a previous version, but this morning I noticed it had updated and was no longer working as before.

So two things that need to be fixed before I remove this software. One - fix the auto update. Two - fix the Recycle Bin link

I'm not too happy with the closing screen either, but I can live with that.



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8 hours ago, nikki605 said:

How is v5.46 getting installed and how do I stop it?

Delete CCupdate.exe.

It can't be run (by a schedule or anything else) if it's not there.

A number of users have "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCupdate.exe" as an 'include' in CCleaner itself, so that running CCleaner will remove it for you.

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Guest Ben CCleaner

Hi All, apologies for the slightly late response.

Since the release of v5.46 we have updated some users to this version to meet legal requirements and give users more autonomy and transparency over their privacy settings.

This update has ensured that users are on a GDPR-compliant version that includes the most up-to-date privacy settings available (https://www.ccleaner.com/about/data-factsheet).

Version 5.46 also includes some changes (introduced in v5.45) to remove the Windows.old cleaning rule, which had the potential to break newer Windows 10 installations.

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21 minutes ago, Ben Piriform said:

 give users more autonomy and transparency over their privacy settings.


I fail to see how you can talk about privacy and transparency and at the same time go into a user's machine, without their permission, and change their software.

Also GDPR compliancy does not mean you have the right to enter a users machine without their permission (in fact the opposite)


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4 hours ago, Ben Piriform said:

Since the release of v5.46 we have updated some users to this version to meet legal requirements and give users more autonomy and transparency over their privacy settings.

This update has ensured that users are on a GDPR-compliant version that includes the most up-to-date privacy settings available......

Interesting, I've been telling you for over a month now that you were not GDPR compliant.

I was even contacted by PM about it, where I was told that I was being patronising, was unaware of the facts, and that as a large organisation you were sure that you knew best and were compliant.

A month later and you are now admitting that you weren't.
So who was being the patronising one?



From the v5.36 announcement:



Emergency Updater

Following the security incident in September we have taken steps to improve our security across the board. Within CCleaner, this means the addition of an 'Emergency Updater' security feature that allows us to force a software update in a worse-case scenario.


Since then we have been repeatedly assured that the updater would be used "Only in an absolute emergency" and in a "worse-case scenario".

And yet you have now used it when it is not an 'emergency' or a 'worst-case scenario' at all, but merely to correct your own, wholely avoidable, errors.

How are we supposed to trust anything you say anymore?

It seems to be a corporate culture, I note that Avast also used their emergency updater last week simply to apply what they refered to as a 'microfix'.
Whilst updating an AV in the background is standard practice, in fact many would say a security neccessity, the same cannot be said for a junk cleaner.


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3 hours ago, Ben Piriform said:

... we have updated some users to this version to meet legal requirements and give users more autonomy and transparency over their privacy settings.

WHAT !?!?

please tell me that is a typo. :o

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Hate to say it but Avast has been digging CCleaner's grave ever since they took over Piriform.  The hole is now too deep to climb out of.  This is the most ludicrous line of reasoning I've ever encountered.  Give users more autonomy and transparency over privacy settings by sneaking into computers?

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8 hours ago, Ben Piriform said:

Since the release of v5.46 we have updated some users to this version

Ben, thanks for the confirmation.

Can you please provide a bit more detail with regards to what you mean by "some users"? Is it basically "everyone who is not on 5.46" or is there more to it?

Can you also please confirm that these updates were triggered by CCUpdate.exe as we all suspect? I don't have Avast installed so it couldn't have happened by Avast's software updater. Just want to make sure.

The additional information will go a long way to giving me some peace of mind. I was on the standard (free) 5.43 version (with update checking and monitoring disabled) so I obviously wasn't expecting my installation to silently update itself. As you can imagine, for those of us that run a tight ship and are very security conscious, seeing a product silently update itself causes a lot of stress and anxiety about malware if you weren't expecting it (or don't know the technical details about the update process).

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22 hours ago, nikki605 said:

I found 2 more instances of the ccupdate.exe file by looking in my firewall settings:



I deleted both files and removed the entries from the firewall list.

FWIW after CCleaner updated to 5.46 I also had these two files in "C:\Windows\Temp":

ccCB5A.tmp (file name is probably random) = SHA-256: 789ff77fdc292246a1956d314e277f497391162f3be4b1be3913bc20c6e7ddb7
ccupdate.exe = SHA-256: 8202b4a2e3a34e799324e97ed13610be07f2b01ae9bd11898fe1d748ea9d04c8

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8 hours ago, crizal said:

Hate to say it but Avast has been digging CCleaner's grave ever since they took over Piriform.

I knew that would eventually happen, didn't even take a year.

I only come on here a few times per week really to lurk, rarely post anymore, and see how much worse things are getting.

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I'm confirming 2 tasks in task sheduler, but my v5.38 slim never updated itself to v5.46, maybe as auto-update remained always unticked. Nonethless it phoned home, by-passing firewall rules (as it has to do) until I disabled the 1st of the 2 tasks (CCleaner.update) I wasn't aware of. Such a task seems to be more regular update performing than a so called emergency one I never found anywhere. Could that sheduled "call back home" task be the previous mentioned "heartbeat" ? Some advice welcome. I did never have Avast. Thanks.

Sheduled tasks_CCleaner_4.gif

Heartbeat CCleaner_2.gif

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3 hours ago, mrdimly said:

Such a task seems to be more regular update performing than a so called emergency one I never found anywhere. Could that sheduled "call back home" task be the previous mentioned "heartbeat" ?

That "CCUpdate.exe" task is the emergency updater and was added in 5.36. It is used to update CCleaner regardless of your auto update settings. 

From the v 5.36 release notes ...


Emergency Updater

Following the security incident in September we have taken steps to improve our security across the board. Within CCleaner, this means the addition of an 'Emergency Updater' security feature that allows us to force a software update in a worse-case scenario.

We don't know yet what criteria is used to determine who receives the forced update to 5.46 (hopefully someone from PiriForm will be able to tell us although we do know that it's no longer used just for "worst-case scenarios") but as long as you keep that "CCleaner Update" task disabled you probably won't be updated.

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Guest Ben CCleaner

Hi there,

A few points so we’ll try and answer them all in one go.

All versions of CCleaner have been GDPR-compliant since 5.43.6522 (released 25 May 2018). While we weren’t legally required to update all our users to GDPR-compliant versions, we have the means to do this and we felt it was right that all our users have access to the same set of privacy controls.

Version 5.46 gives all users the best possible control over their data settings and brings everyone up to date with important stability fixes that prevent the loss of personal settings in Chrome and the potential for broken graphics drivers after a Windows update.

While we’re not planning on carrying out an update like this soon, we have taken your feedback on board and are working on a better solution with greater transparancy and that provides our users with more control.


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13 minutes ago, Ben Piriform said:

All versions of CCleaner have been GDPR-compliant since 5.43.6522 (released 25 May 2018). While we weren’t legally required to update all our users to GDPR-compliant versions, we have the means to do this and we felt it was right that all our users have access to the same set of privacy controls.

Version 5.46 gives all users the best possible control over their data settings and brings everyone up to date with important stability fixes that prevent the loss of personal settings in Chrome and the potential for broken graphics drivers after a Windows update.

Thanks for the additional info Ben.

One more quick question ... I was on 5.43 and was auto updated to 5.46. You mentioned that 5.43 was already GDPR compliant so I'm just wondering why the 5.43 clients are also being auto-updated? Is it to make sure we have the new privacy controls, etc? Basically I just want to know for sure that 5.43 was also included in the auto-update.


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Sorry Ben but 5.46 is still not fully GDPR compliant.

Would you like to know more?

(A nod to the film Starship Troopers there)

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1 hour ago, Ben Piriform said:

 While we weren’t legally required to update all our users to GDPR-compliant versions, we have the means to do this and we felt it was right that all our users have access to the same set of privacy controls.

..even if it meant invading their privacy to do it?



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How difficult is it to just have a dialog box pop-up via CCleaner asking the user Yes or No to download the newest version? Allot of software goes that route and if they select No just honour the selection. It's very antivirus-like to just download and replace a version, but then again CCleaner is owned by an antivirus company.

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