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Is McAfee good protection software afterall?


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I keep hearing from people here and there (not on the forums) that McAfee has problems catching various different Malware and spyware programs and that it uses a TON of processor power because it is ALWAYS running in the background. I am aware that pretty much all anti malware programs run in the background constantly as they check ALL computer activity for possible unwanted stuff.


On top of that, I have been using McAfee on my computer for years now, but still seem to get infected once in a while.



I guess my question is do you recommend i keep using McAfee products or move on to something different/possibly better?




Any and all help will be appreciated





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Don't use McAfee. It's a system RAM hog, because it uses a LOT of RAM when it's running in the background. I recommend you switch to another AV. Some good free ones are: Avast, and Avira. If you are paying, then you should go for NOD32, (or you can stick with free Avast and Avira, as they are just as good as NOD32.). ;)

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Use Avira and MBAM

That's what I'm using right now at this very moment after re-testing AntiVir 9 and deciding to keep it installed especially after finding out they've gotten rid of the fp's I was having with WinZip Self Extractor made SFX ZIP's.

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Just curious . . . you're not running MBAM resident with Avira are you?? Didn't really think that was necessary with Avira -- thought it covered most malware issues.

Only AntiVir is resident, I use the freeware version of MBAM.

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Only AntiVir is resident, I use the freeware version of MBAM.

Same combo I'm using. Only difference may be that I'm using AntiVir Premium because of its added protection for my POP 3 e-mail client.

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Ok, so its DEFFINATELY not just me then. I must agree (tastefully) that over the years i have noticed McAfee to generally be crapware. I will more then likely NOT be renewing my subscription to it when it expires in early 2010. Or do you guys (moreso the moderators) recomend i just remove it now and move to Avira since i got infected by sumthing recently anyhow?

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Too bad you paid for it but it ranks lower than freeware AV apps. Security is a higher priority than "getting your moneys' worth", so I'd opt to tell you uninstall it and install the free versions of either Avast or AntiVir(Avira). Best/cleanest site to get stuff is filehippo.

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McAfee is the greatest Anti-Virus that has ever graced our computers, the others are crap in comparison..........taking the piss by the way in case anyone takes me seriously :D

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I will more then likely NOT be renewing my subscription to it when it expires in early 2010. Or do you guys (moreso the moderators) recomend i just remove it now and move to Avira since i got infected by sumthing recently anyhow?

It's up to you really, I mean if you add something like MBAM along with it you could essentially ride out your license period. You'd just have to remember to on occasion actually do a full system scan with MBAM.


Any antivirus is capable of having a false negative meaning they can miss an actual malware.

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