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Microsoft Already Has Plans for the Next O.S.


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Microsoft announced at a conference held for its field sales force in Orlando that the company is starting work on a new operating system, internally known as "7" that should hit the market in about three years and become the successor of Windows Vista.


As Microsoft's newest operating system, Windows Vista did not produce the expected revolution in the personal computing field and it even has problems in replacing the older but more hardware friendly

and compatible Windows XP. Vista is kind of a failure at least from most computer hardware manufacturers point of view as they were expecting a very high number of demands for Vista running computers and instead they were asked by customers on more than one occasion to keep shipping computers running Windows XP.

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Ew it said they are considering a subscription model. I'm not using vista now but if they did that I wouldn't use 7 either.

I wish they would just go ahead and jump ship and decide whether or not windows is going to be 32 or 64 bit. That way people wouldn't have to worry about using one or another for certain software to work.

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Ugh! Why is Microsoft doing this! If they wanted a 'better' OS, they'd go back to XP SP2, and take a look at the following things:


1. The Registry. What is this junk useful for? If you want a program to do something scheduled, then a script of some sort that isn't hidden behind 10,000 tabs of confusing junk should be written! Every 'installed' program should be contained in it's C:\Program Files\*\ folder, and nothing more!


2. The filesystem. We were promised WinFS - was that leading to increased performance? The filesystem should be inherently strong, not needing regular defragmentation.


3. Security. While I think the 'Windows has blocked.... ..... ... continue?' aspect of Vista is too constricting, I think there needs to be some sort of 'root' access just like every other OS out there. You know what though? It isn't that complicated! When Windows is installed, you create an admin account. Windows should force you to put a password on that account, and create a non-admin account for regular use. When you're on the admin account (which you shouldn't be unless it'd be cumbersome to be using the non-admin account), you can do all of your stuff without password / continue prompts. When you're in the non-admin account, you should just need some sort of prompt! Think like using su/sudo.


I gotta run but there's a lot more that could be done before the GUI changes.

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Windows "7", whatever. :rolleyes:

It will take a miracle to regain mass consumer, and business confidence after the Vista mess.


I think Microsoft needs to more seriously look into giving WinXP a very long life by fixing all the s**t that's wrong with it before churning out another OS that not too many people want or would even consider buying - there's far too much chatter about people who'd rather just jump ship over to Mac and/or Linux before using a Vista computer, and I'd have to agree with them as I have zero aspirations of ever using Vista.


Remember WinMe was horrible too, so in less than one decade they've produced two complete flops. If they were making automobiles they would have already been bought out by a rival, and re-sold umpteen times.

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All I hope is that they've have at least learned some lessons from the reception Vista has received. Who knows, having produced a flashy OTT OS with Vista they might just bring out a simpler, safe, useable OS. I know, highly unlikely but you never know.


Subscription based though?!?! That really could be the end of Microsoft OS's :huh:

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Subscription based though?!?! That really could be the end of Microsoft OS's :huh:

Good riddens to their OS development then I'd say, because they always make it so you have to relearn too much just to use the OS to begin with (imagine if you had to relearn how to drive a car each time a new model was released :rolleyes: ).


I'll be using WinXP for a very long time until I finally get tired of it which is probably a few years from now, and then I may finally go for a Linux setup.

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I'm gonna go out and buy another copy of XP before they take it off the shelves. Computers are getting better, faster, cheaper; OS packages are getting worse and more expensive. Regardless of the next great leap forward ?? from MS, I can get a good computer and put in my own OS.


Putting away the soapbox now. :P

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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Lets hope so. It's long over do.

Really, even though there isn't really a viable alternative at present. Either Mac need to drop prices and get the compatibility up to MS standards, or Linux needs to become genuinely useable and make an even bigger step in improving compatibility.

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My hope that MS OS coming to an end will help those things you suggested happen faster. I have played around with a Mac and like it. I will buy one for sure at some point and I will definitely buy one before I would buy Vista. The sooner MS dies the better. Than more attention will go into the other systems and maybe a whole new competitor will emerge.

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Oh great. "Instead of fixing Vista, Oh, let's do another 'OS'. Yay!" <_<

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Vista was in development before XP was even released.


Umm, yeah I know. That's not what I meant. The thing is, in my perspective, Vista, is kind of a failure. There's a lot of Hardware and Software right now that is not compatible with Vista, and issues, etc... So', if so much time and money was spent developing Vista, they should concentrate on fixing at least some issues instead of just keeping developing and guessing. I mean, c'mon, 6 months and they're already saying stuff about "7". I'm not saying: "Stop 7 and fix Vista", but they should do something to limit the losses. But, if they have so much money to throw away something and start again, well, it's their problem. In the end, that helps Linux and other OS's.

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