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Posts posted by nukecad

  1. An NSIS error is usually an inication that the installer itself has not downloaded correctly and/or is corrupted.
    Where are you downloading it from?

    Try downloading the Slim installer from here and use that to install:

    If that still doesn't work then come back and there are other things we can look at.
    It will help if you tell us your Windows version, what browser you are using when downloading CCleaner, and what Anti Virus you are using.
    (AVs are often at the root of install problems).

  2. Have you tried Windows built in Snipping Tool or 'Snip and Sketch'?
    Snipping tool is fairly basic and only has a few tools but sometimes that is all you need.
    Many people overlook the built in Windows stuff, but why get yet another browser extension when you already have a tool that will do the job?

    I use Snipping tool all the time, particular handy for adding screenshots and partial screenshots to posts here.
    It even puts the snip, and any pen/highlighting you draw on it straight into the clipboard to be pasted elsewhere; or will import it into Paint 3D with one click.
    Also check the 'Delay' function for capturing pop-ups, drop downs, etc.
    (I've not tried Windows 'Snip and Sketch' because Snipping Tool does what I need).


  3. Do you realise that this thread originated in 2008 - Just short of 13 years ago?
    And hasn't had a comment, previous to yours, since 2011 - Almost 10 years.

    If it's not happened in that time then I think you can assume it isn't happening.

    "Wipe MFT free space" can be found under Options>Settings in CCleaner.
    It also needs 'Wipe Free Space' to be checked in Custom Clean. (One off use, don't leave it selected all the time or it will just slow your custom cleans down).

    OK that's CCleaner not Recuva.
    Different tools for different jobs.

  4. 1 hour ago, Judy C said:

    It's funny how on TV, someone can always pull deleted files back out of a computer, no matter what. 

    Ahh, but those are stories not real life. (Probably written by someone who has never tried to recover a deleted/lost script).

  5. I don't think drive type detection would work, we know that some use the portable on their system drive rather than installing.

    Couldn't you simply check the registry for one (or a few to make sure) of the 'installed' registry entries, and if not found then query if the user wants to install or not?
    ("You are about to install CCleaner - Click OK to continue").

    That would allow for first time installs by new users or existing users with a new machine, whilst warning anyone who is using the portable that if they continue they will get an install.

    OK that would also be adding an extra step/click back into the update process, but at least it's a clearly understandable step.

  6. 13 hours ago, lmacri said:

    Hi nukecad:

    You didn't post an image of the message you saw so I'm not sure what you're seeing,

    I didn't screenshot it because it went away before I could, and won't get shown again now that I've seen it once. (Unless I edit the registry entry to ahow it again).
    But it was an orange thing in the Windows Notification area bottom right of the desktop so not what you saw/are seeing.

    I agree that the check for updates used to go to the webpage rather than updating, and believe it's that change that is the issue here.
    In effect they have taken a couple of steps out to make it easier to update CCleaner.
    (Sorry it took me a while to realise that those steps had now been removed, I've just run through the whole update process from a portable and can see just what has changed).

    I believe from previous discussion that was changed because we used to get complaints here that the update was unintuitive and 'clunky'.
    Users would land on the webpage but didn't know that they then had to click the 'No Thanks' to decline a paid version and send them to another webpage, where they could then download/install the Free.
    It's those webpage steps that have been removed, and it's certainly a much simpler update process now.

    I see that Dave CCleaner has promised to take a look at if that new behavious can be modified for portable/uninstalled setups.

    In the meantime it's a case of remembering to disable the Automatic Updates and Reminders then saving that to an INI file on the USB stick so that they stay off, and if you do get an update notification don't accept it or it will install the new version.
    (I did note on my machine there was plenty of time to cancel it during the download if you had accepted it by mistake).

  7. To do some testing I've just unzipped/run the v5.62 portable and the notifications for product updates were enabled by default even back then.

    I do note though that I also got a notification in the Windows notification area that v5.62 is now 17 versions out of date.
    That notification is a different system and is issued as part of the changes in v5.75/5.76; Piriform are nudging everyone to get up to date if their Windows version allows it.

    Is it that you saw which prompted you to update from within CCleaner and thus do an install?

  8. Again this had nothing to do with the new Automatic Updates in Free - Other than the fact that 'New version' notification got turned on by default which I assume you had turned off before and is why you weren't seeing it.
    (It's nothing to do with having v5.74 or not either).

    It has always been the case that if you updated CCleaner from within the portable it would install the new version.
    I'm not sure  if the 'new version' notification was on or off by default previously, I'd have to check that. EDIT- It was on by default, see my next post.

    In that respect then as Andavari notes CCleaner Portable is not a 'true' portable version, it is merely the basic programme files packaged as a zip so that you can unzip them onto your computer, or on a USB stick, without installing anything.
    In that respect it's a simple way for developers to make available a programme so that it can be used without installing it, but it is the standard programme not anything special and so will behave exactly the same as the standard programme does.
    If using it you need to be aware of that and not use certain features such as 'Check for Updates' etc.

    A truly portable version would have those certain standard features disabled.
    But that means more work for the devs, developing and maintaining another variant of the basic programme.

    And you should remember that there is always a 3rd option - stop providing the zip at all and only have the installed version. (That already seems to have happened with Defraggler, Recuva, and Speccy).

    I do note that as things currently stand Automatic Updates and Update Notifications will now be enabled by default each time you unzip a new version of the portable (unless you have a .INI file where you unzip them to modify that) and you will now have to remember to disable Automatic Updates each time you unzip a new portable.

  9. Don't use CCleaner's Registry Cleaner with Windows 10 - Don't use any registry cleaner with Windows 10.

    Here is what Microsoft have to say about it:

    The Registry Cleaner needs making less prominent in CCleaner, that has been promised for a while now  but it is taking an inordinately long time for it to actually happen.

  10. Fair enough I am a moderator and not an employee; but an employee can't tell you any differently.

    Again - this is the way that CCleaner (even the portable) is intended to work when you install it by updating from within CCleaner itself, - it is not a bug.

    If you want to use the uninstalled Portable as an advanced user then never update it from within CCleaner itself.

    If you are an advanced user you should already know that.

    Sorry, but I don't know how to say it any clearer - don't update from within CCleaner if you don't want it to be installed.

  11. You can have both the emergency updater and the associated Scheduled Task set as Includes, I have them both as Includes in my installed CCleaner Pro to remove them following any update.

    However that is not going to alter the fact that the Portable is simply CCleaner Free that hasn't been installed, and updating it from within CCleaner (rather than downloading and unzipping the new version) will install the new version.
    If you don't update/install it then the emergency updater and task won't be there to remove anyway.

  12. 2 hours ago, lmacri said:

    Hi nukecad:

    Has @Dave CCleaner or one  other Avast / Piriform employees confirmed that CCleaner Portable is not meant to be updated using the built-in software updater?  The release notes <here> for v5.74.8198 (released 11-Nov-2020)  say "Updates to CCleaner will now be applied automatically in CCleaner Free" but I've never seen a warning anywhere that using the built-in software updater will corrupt CCleaner Free Portable by adding the Emergency Updater.

    No, and they shouldn't need to because that is the way that the Portable has always worked, even before the new update system.
    And the change hasn't 'corrupted' CCleaner Portable in the slightest.

    As I said Portable is exactly the same as CCleaner Free.
    It isn't a 'special' version, it's the same programme just not installed. (So it doesn't put in the installation stuff like registry entries and the emergency updater).
    To make changes specifically to apply only to a portable version would mean creating a whole new version.

    Even before the new updater if you clicked 'Check for Updates' in Portable (as you might do with Free) and then accepted any update offered it would install CCleaner on that machine.

    The only difference between what used to happen then and what happens now is that Automatic Updates have now been added to Free - So you have to be sure to turn them off if you are going to be using Portable on an internet connected machine.

    In this case though it wasn't an Automatic Update - CCleaner Portable told you there was a newer version (because you hadn't unticked 'Notify me of updates') and then you told it to update, and so install, by clicking the 'Update Now' button.
    Doing that would always have installed CCleaner, even before Automatic Updates for Free were introduced.

    Again CCleaner Portable is primarily meant as an Admin/Advanced User tool so that you can use CCleaner on a machine that has no internet connection and can't download/install CCleaner; and with no internet connection Portable wouldn't/couldn't update anyway.
    If you are going to use CCleaner Portable on an internet connected machine - which you might want to do when cleaning/repairing someone elses machine - then you have to careful not to update it or it will install - that has always been the case.

    Fair enough, it does sometimes take any of us time to work how things are supposed to happen.
    When we do then we don't make the same mistakes again, and hopefully pass our learning on.

  13. On 21/01/2021 at 17:27, lmacri said:

      I only noticed this problem with the addition of the Emergency Updater when I allowed the built-in software updater in v5.75 to update me to v5.76,

    As I said above:


    ...  by using the updater you have installed regular CCleaner onto your USB stick.

    The Portable is not meant to be updated through CCleaner itself because that will do an install, you have to update Portable yourself by downloading a new Portable zip each time there is a new version.
    You unzip  a new Portable, you don't update/install it.

    It's preciscely because you updated/installed from within CCleaner that you got the emergency updater, etc.
    Instead you should have downloaded a new zip and then unzipped it to you USB stick. (To overwrite the old one).

    To clear up what you have done by using the update from within CCleaner you will now need to uninstall CCleaner, (clear the registry of anything CCleaner related), and then download a new Portable zip and unzip it to your USB stick.

    The new Automatic Updater will inform you that there is an update available, and even Automatically Update, unless you turn those options off.
    It will do that even in the Portable, because Portable is exactly the same as the standard CCleaner, just not installed.
    There again the Portable is meant for Advanced users, who should know about that and know to turn those options off in the Portable.
    TBH CCleaner Portable is mainly intended for use on machines that don't have an internet connection so can't downlaod CCleaner, such machines wouldn't be able to update anyway.

  14. 3 hours ago, PaulKyte said:

     Looking in task manager it spawns 14 iterations of the browser with the last one having the new tab.

    That is not unusual for a Chromium based browser (or any modern browser come to that).
    They tend to launch a number of processes and then add a process for each new tab.
    (My Firefox is currently running 11 processes, 6 of which are tabs).

    Any browser can become slow at times, for various reasons from slow internet, to clashing extensions/processes, to having too many tabs open.
    Getting more advanced your AV and firewall settings can also slow connections down, especially for something that's newly installed.

    As CCleaner Browser is Chromium based then try some of the suggestions for speeding up Chrome:

  15. Recuva is looking at all the deleted files and calculating the total of how much space each one used to take up.

    As it's likely that some of them have been overwritten then that total can add up to more space than is actually on the disc that you are recovering from.
    So some of the files found can be ignored, see below.

    You could use a larger drive to recover to, (one with over 1,780GB), or could try to do the recovery in smaller stages rather than all the files at once

    As said above some of the files found can probably be ignored as they have been overwritten, see this for some hints/tips:


  16. Download the 'Slim' installer from here and use it to install v5.76:

    That will be the latest Free version, so go to Options>About and click on 'Upgrade to Pro'.
    Enter your key and the registered name from your confirmation email and click on 'Register'.

    This gives more info about registering and how to deal with common registration problems:



  17. See this for how to turn Chrome syncing on and off:

    However if you are syncing between more than one device, and want to keep syncing, then you will need to clean/clear the synced data using Chrome itself.
    CCleaner cannot delete things from Googles sync servers they are protected, CCleaner can only clean your own device.

  18. We need a bit more information.

    Which browser are you trying to clean?
    You are ticking/unticking boxes in Custom Clean, but are you using Health Check or Custom Clean to do the actual cleaning?

    TBH though I suspect that your issue is that CCleaner is cleaning your files, but they are then being put straight back by browser syncing.

    Have a read of this which explains why some files will come straight back after cleaning, (syncing is one reason) and what you can do to stop that from happening:


  19. Thanks for testing that and fidning that it was the 'History' checkmark for IE causing it.

    I'll try to remember that in case someone else reports they are seeing a similar error.

    I doubt that there are many people still using IE as a browser, but Windows and other apps do use it's temporary storage locations as a convinient dumping ground.
    (CCleaner itself uses IE's 'Temporary Internet Files' each time you launch CCleaner).
    I keep 'Temporary Internet Files' and 'Cookies' ticked for IE in Custom Clean, just to catch these temporary files from other apps.

    I'm not sure about Health Check, if you run that it may still clean IE's history and so trigger the event error for you?


  20. 2 hours ago, Martin5832 said:

    Windows says the app isn't signed.

    Where did you download CCleaner from? Just want to make sure that it's genuine before continuing.

    SmartScreen will sometimes throw a block for a day or so after a new version of CCleaner is released until Windows Security Centre gets updated with the new signatures, etc.
    But CCleaner v5.76 has been out for a week and no one else has reported this problem.
    (Are you using a metered connection? If you have told Windows your connection is metered WSC definitions won't get updated).

    Try downloading the 'Slim' installer (3rd down) from here and install using that:

    If it's still being a problem try updating Windows.
    Or if you are sure that your CCleaner is genuine, eg. you've downloaded the Slim installer from the builds page, then simply ignore Smart Screen, close that warning, and carry on installing. (I've had to do that once before without any problems).

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