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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. Why are you wanting CCleaner to kill a process? I'm not sure if a process killer is practical for a cleaning program. But I guess depends on how you look at it. And unless something changed recently that I'm not aware of, CCleaner does schedule .dat files for deletion on next boot. Are there specific files in mind that you are suggestion to be deleted on next boot?
  2. Here's the screen saver that goes with it.
  3. Andavari, you're great! Same here! Shoot, it could be a $500 comp and it would be graciously accepted. ROFLMAO
  4. I believe that it only scans the drive that it is installed on.
  5. According to the FAQ it is compatible. But make a backup because I have unsuccessfully had good experiences with ME and CC. I only suggest that you backup your pc first when using ME! It's better to be safe than sorry. And welcome!
  6. Well E, I disagree! I think that host files are great. Especially for people who have unsafe surfing habits. They really do provide good security.
  7. I'm confused. You said in Post #5 that "no new issues appear".
  8. Awesome! Thanks for posting the solution!
  9. Internet explorer is for the web surfing feature of explorer. Windows explorer is the windows feature. See what I'm getting at? I just can't find anything that points to the "Internet Repair Tool" fixing the quick launch toolbar. That's all. And logically it doesn't seem like very sound reasoning.
  10. Nope, MS Office is not default. It is a separate disc/program that requires purchase. I would suggest 2 things. Make a backup before installing beta software (especially on a work pc), and for the time being her best bet is Open Office like JD said. She also needs to call her IT department, and see what they have to say. They could possible send her the program via internet along with the serial number. You never know.
  11. Okay. Well after some time, new problems will occur on your pc. Everytime you install or uninstall a program, etc... there are new "issues" that ccleaner will clean! Does that make sense?
  12. That is the "Internet Explorer Repair Tool". How will repairing Internet Explorer fix the Quick Launch Toolbar?
  13. Probably not. CCleaner is programmed to detect only specific problems every time it scans. Are you scanning, fixing, then scanning immediately again? If you are fixing the registry issues, then scanning again and the issues are still there that is a different problem. Can you please clarify which situation you are specifically encountering please? Thanks.
  14. He is, but I thought Windows Messenger asked for a hotmail account. Although now that I think about it, I think that may have changed a bit ago. Huh, Aaron....dunno. Is there a logged error that gives more info?
  15. Darn Right! roflmao j/k Aaron...log onto MSN using your hotmail account. It will probably prompt you to change your password. Edit: Or their server is screwed up right now.
  16. omg! That was a very long thread. Long sorry Short! * Go here: http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/taskbarplus!.htm * Click on "Restore to XP Default * (clickable)" * Reboot If I remember correctly that fixed it before.
  17. I asked what register booster is because sometimes finding the cause of a problem helps to solve the problem. You are missing a dll, possibly more than one. Not sure if regitry booster did it or what erased it. Anyway, I can try to post later about how to fix that. But I have to go to school now. later
  18. I know it is old. Andavari gave me a link because he said his leg had been feeling good for about 3 days now. Therefore, my post was relevant because his leg has only been feeling good for 4 days (as of today, maybe 5)! So I am glad that it's feeling better now! Even if it took 24 days to feel better. I'm glad to be back too. Thanks. Hey Aaron!
  19. Why use Thunderbird when FireFox has an awesome gmail notifier extention? It eliminates the need for another app. kwim?
  20. What is registry booster? The issues cleaner in CCleaner?
  21. I have about 50 gmail invites. If you want an invite just PM me an email address to send it to. (Verification numbers are usually filtered as junk mail. I'd bet that's where yours are)
  22. Glad you're feeling better Andavari!
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