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Posts posted by redhawk

  1. Just out of curiosity I ran the latest version of CCleaner today 3.03.1366 on my XP PC.


    Using the Registry section and "Scan for Issues" it seems to be detected a lot of "unused" file extensions, however I beg to differ.


    "Unused File Extension" ".3gpp - VLC.3gpp" "HKCR\.3gpp"

    "Unused File Extension" ".arj - WinZip" "HKCR\.arj"

    "Unused File Extension" ".BAS - BAS_auto_file" "HKCR\.BAS"


    When double clicking on the files containing the above extensions they launch their default assigned application.


    These extensions are not unassigned so why does Ccleaner state that they are unused??


    Richard S.

  2. I hope you meant your free space was decreased??


    On Vista/Windows 7 machines it's known to create restore points when running Defraggler, not sure why but it's a glitch that hasn't been fixed yet.

    Purge your restore points with System Restore or CCleaner and you should find your free space back to normal.


    Richard S.

  3. There's nothing to brag about Firefox this code was to verify whether Internet Explorer 8/9 implements css style "before" and "after" since I have neither installed on my machine.


    If Internet Explorer 9 displays "IE9 can't do this code" then it would appear Microsoft have improved on their css style support.


    Richard S.

  4. Could someone cut and paste this text to a .html file and open with IE8 or IE9 please :)

    (already tested and failed with IE6 and IE7)




    <style type="text/css">

    .firefox:before {content: "IE9 can't do this code";}


    <span class="firefox"></span>




    Richard S.

  5. Of course Mozilla will make themselves look better lol, it's their test after all.

    And likewise Microsoft would want their products to appear bigger and better than anyone else.


    IE9 maybe faster on selective web sites but it's no secret that Internet Explorer sucks at web standard compliance and furthermore cannot be installed on Windows XP machines.


    Richard S.

  6. In the event of serious OS crash / disk corruption it is always better to re-install Windows rather than patch things up.

    It maybe a pain to apply all the service packs updates and missing software but it's worth in known your files are error free.


    Richard S.

  7. When defragging D drive C drive would not be touched the reason for your slow booting is interesting but unlikely to be a result of running Defraggler.

    The main causes for slow booting are: bad sectors, virus/malware infection, buggy incompatible device drivers or IDE controller using PIO Mode instead of DMA.

    Running the Windows repair should only be considered a last resort because you lose all your program and drive registry entries.

    Furthermore if you hard drive is faulty a re-install of Windows wouldn't really help to change your situation.


    I would recommend you download and burn Hiren's Boot CD and use the MiniXP option.

    Once you're at the desktop, Start, Run, "chkdsk c: /r" and see what errors chkdsk finds.


    I already tried the repair option from the XP install disc but it tells me that no hard drives could be detected.

    S-ATA hard drive??


    Richard S.

  8. Here are a list of blocked and unblocked hosts:





    ia.media-imdb.com/images/M (but not the entire host)




    Not Blocked:




    ia.media-imdb.com (except /images/M)





    Just compare your host file with what I don't have blocked and see if one of them is stopping the videos from playing.

    Also if you change your host file manually you must restart the web browser for changes to take effect.


    Richard S.

  9. You cannot undelete files in Windows, I'm not sure why but I suspect direct disk writes on a live file system would be rather unsafe.


    Try System Restore, perhaps this could undo some of the damage caused by the uninstaller??


    Richard S.

  10. As long as it's not continuous grinding sound or knocking noise then you should have anything to worry about.

    You might want to consider changing your AMM settings.


    If you suspect your hard drive is dying then a bench check test using HD Tune should be able to confirm this.


    Richard S.

  11. Does the video flash app load but fail to start, or doesn't load at all??


    Is there any way to isolate the culprit?

    Run a web server locally (i.e. 24Link) and check the logs for sites that are blocked when you visit imbd.


    Richard S.

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