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Posts posted by redhawk

  1. I've seen Recuva fail in Deep Scan mode so I'm not surprised VirtualLab was more successful, however there's no preview window so you still don't know the condition of these files.

    btw you shouldn't be recovering files from the same drive as the Operating System you decrease your changes of successful recovery due to disk write activity.


    Richard S.

  2. It sounds like your handset uses MTP (media transfer protocol) which is not compatible with Recuva.

    MTP can only transfer files (like FTP) unfortunately it doesn't support low level read needed for data recovery.


    Richard S.

  3. I have BAS files (basic text) which I have assigned to be opened by notepad when double clicked on.

    CCleaner says BAS files are unused however I know this is total nonsense because they open with notepad.

    If CCleaner fixes the problem BAS files no longer open in notepad instead Windows ask which program to open it with.


    Great fix huh??


    That's just one example but just image if CCleaner butchers all your file types you might get a lot problems because files won't open with their assigned applications anymore.


    So my original question still stands: Is MrG / Piriform coders aware of this problem or even consider it a problem, and plan to fix it??


    Or perhaps someone would try to convince me otherwise that my registry is indeed faulty.


    Richard S.

  4. If you're going to install XP with no service pack you might as well be installing Windows 98SE or Windows 2000 instead.

    It's buggy and full of security holes not to mention no LBA 48bit disk support so you're limited to 137GB max - http://support.microsoft.com/?id=303013

    As for SP3 I have this installed on my laptop and I can honestly say the wifi connection is no better or worse than under SP2, i.e. nice and stable.

    Like all hardware if there's a problem due to software conflicts then installing the latest drivers usually sorts them out.


    Anyway I think slipsteam is better than installing SP3 over SP2: a) you get a clean virgin install of XP SP3 with no registry problems or conflicts, b) less time wasting since there's no SP2 to overwrite, c) no unwanted files left dumped on your drive (SP2 files), d) less change of errors during install e) the change install IE7/8 if that floats your boat.

    As mentioned earlier nLite is a useful program to slipsteam SP3 into your XP install CD, not only that but it can be used to customised the components and remove stuff.

    It also has the ability to tweak the folders names i.e. "Windows", "Program Files", "Documents and Settings" if you're clever enough you could have 2 bootable copies of XP co-existing on same drive like mine. :)


    Richard S.

  5. Corona, Java isn't the same as Java Script it's a programming language that predates flash apps to run Java applets.

    Although it's not widely used for web pages anymore it's still a requirement for certain stand alone apps written in Java.


    Richard S.

  6. I don't know if this is true but I read somewhere that updating the NVIDIA drivers may correct the video double image flash bug.

    This isn't a problem for me though my 6200 isn't supported by flash despite the fact VLC media player handles h.264 in full screen perfectly.


    Richard S.

  7. I've tried "secure overwrite" with Recuva v1.39.509 and sure enough it works on poor quality recoverable files.

    I must confess I haven't use the "secure overwrite" very often but I do seem to recall having problem with this in the past.

    It would be nice if Recuva could secure overwrite as well as destroy the name of files but I use another program for that. :)


    Richard S.

  8. Judging by your drive map I think you're running a little low on freespace without sufficient contiguous freespace it's difficult to defrag files.

    Run "Disk Cleanup" on Local Disk (C:) (My Computer, "Local Disk (C:)" right click "properties") clear your internet cache i.e. Firefox / Opera.

    Emptying your system restore points would also free a lot of disk space (Disable / Enable System Restore) but only do this if you have no intention of rolling back software or driver changes.


    Now run Defraggler again, hit "File list" after "Analyze" to see what's fragmented this section also gives you the opportunity to defrag groups of files based on their size / fragmented status.

    I tend to defrag files smaller than 100MB first than defrag freespace it makes defragging larger files later more successful.


    Richard S.

  9. I've caught Defraggler pegging my CPU I noticed this because it was taking longer than usual to defrag a few files.

    I checked the CPU load after pausing / stopping but the load remained high (with 3 highly active threads).

    I restarted Defraggler and it returned to normal so my files defragged at the regular pace.


    So this is just a tip for anyone else experiencing very long / slow defragging.

    Pause Defraggler and check the CPU load, if the CPU is being pegged restart Defraggler.


    Richard S.

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