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Posts posted by redhawk

  1. You cannot login to the desktop it will log you straight out, furthermore the activate keys supplied with each laptop (sticker) won't work because OEM versions also require the correct BIOS ID string for identification.




    You can still use Safe Mode to access files but this mode disables your sound, network and display drivers.


    Richard S.

  2. Is partition recovery in Recuva's scope? I thought it was file/folder recovery software.

    Recuva recovers deleted files but it should be able to recover files even if the partition table was corrupted, most decent recovery programs can.

    The inability to "Deep scan" for files with RAW drives is a serious limitation of the software that needs addressing.


    Richard S.

  3. I wouldn't mind if Defraggler could organise my files in size order, i.e largest at the start and smallest at the end, or better still divide my drive into 12 equal segments and order my files depending on the sign of the zodiac. :D

    I was joking of course, however to be frank you could arrange files in any order or system you like the bottom line is you'll never see any significant speed improvement.

    Modern hard drive aren't made of putty anymore they have fast seek times (moving head to the desired location) this is order of milliseconds not a few seconds.

    Hard drives also come with internal cache RAM which is temporary storage space because it's capable of reading data from the disk much faster than it can transfer this via IDE/SATA controller (except in PIO Mode).

    So basically it doesn't matter where your files are store or how far apart they are and in what order, your hard drive is fast enough read everything without any difference being noticed.


    Richard S.

  4. You could make SVI accessible (by tweaking the NTFS security permissions) but there wouldn't be much point defragging since it's constantly changing.

    The best way to clear SVI would be to remove all your restore points with CCleaner or by turning off and turning on System Restore.


    Richard S.

  5. Side By Side errors are related to the dependency libraries stored in C:\Windows\WinSxS which are missing or corrupted.

    Sometimes applications will generate SxS errors and still continue normally, however since you having booting problems I would strongly suggest you run "chkdsk.exe c: /r" and try to patch the faulty / missing files:

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package


    If you need further help to resolve SideBySide errors then Dependency Walker should be able to assist you.


    Richard S.

  6. You're correct the reg keys only work for XP 32bit and not Vista / Windows 7 so you'll have to wait for a Recuva update.

    As for accessing file via XP i.e. Bart PE, Hiren's Mini XP, you should be able to do this on any NTFS formatted drive even Windows 7 because NTFS is backwards compatible (file access).

    Since Recuva recovers files by low level disk reads it doesn't matter what OS it runs on just as long as it has full read access to your drive.

    The only thing that could cause problems is if you're using Windows 7 disk compression or bitlocker encryption since they're not supported in Windows XP.


    Richard S.

  7. Windows Vista / 7 is known for creating restore points when running Defraggler (something that really shouldn't happen).

    Clear your System Restore restore points and you should have your missing freespace reclaimed.


    Richard S.

  8. What you're suggesting would not improve the speed and performance of the drive in fact it would make things worse.

    It's true files at the start of the drive load quicker, however priority should be always given to Operating System files and applications if you want an optimised file system.

    Files that are stored and do not change should also be located at the start of the disk not changeable files as I'll try to explain.


    When you move changeable files to the start of the drive there would be very little contiguous freespace for them to move into.

    Therefore Defraggler must make room for this space by moving other files away to another area of the disk.

    Once the freespace has been made Defraggler would move all the changeable files to the start of the disk all in a neat order: Firefox and Internet Explorer cache files (useless files) and probably VirtualBox / VMWare OS hard disk images etc.


    So now everything has been defragged you would probably thinking well what could go wrong with this arrangement??


    The problem is that your files are highly likely to quickly fragment and degrade the performance of the file system.

    When a file expands it first uses it's cluster allocations, when this has gone it needs to get more free clusters.

    Because all your files are neatly packed at the start of the disk all nearby clusters are in use would force the OS to use free clusters at some distance from the main file.


    Now if you prioritise files that do not change to be located at the start of the disk fragmentation would still happen for changeable files but their fragments would be closer together and thus the disk head would have little distance to move.



    1: the read heads have to move less to find the needed files

    The head is constantly swinging back and forth a few fragmented files isn't really going to make that much difference.


    2 big performance boost

    I've often wondered if you get much performance boost by Optimising the file system so I used a rival freeware defragging tool and let it organise my files in the optimum pattern.

    After 10 minutes of shuffling around I have to be honest I saw no improvements, apart from Windows loading my desktop 2 seconds faster than previously.

    As long as you defrag once every 3 months you're not going to see any big performance boost by defragging your drive once a week or every day.


    3 less wearing on hard drive

    Constant and unnecessary defragging would always wear your hard drive out.


    4 less fragmented files

    Files always fragment it's the nature of the file system.

    However, files located at the start of the disk that fragment will degrade your file system more than fragmented files located at the end of the disk.


    5 would not need to defragment drive so often

    Same as 2.


    Richard S.

  9. Dennis I've tried your web site link but when I try to play samples I get error 404 - Unfortunately the page you are attempting to load may have moved or may not exist.


    Maybe some YouTube links of Rab C Nesbitt might help?? ;)


    Richard S.

  10. I don't mind most American accents but there's something about Beyonc? Knowles that really annoys me.

    I've been to many states: Texas, California, Las Vegas, Miami, New York but if I had to choose I think New York is my favourite.


    Now I have a question for Americans involving a well known British actor Hugh Laurie who plays a doctor in the TV series House.

    I have no issues with Hugh's acting abilities, however I'm not so sure about his American accent he sounds a little weird.


    Does he sound American enough??


    Richard S.

  11. I was considering recording my calls and putting them on YouTube anonymously, each ending would be slightly different. ;)


    - Sorry my name is Lord Luken you have the wrong number.

    - Pretend I can't hear the caller and just keep saying "Hello".

    - Play samples of Cartman "haha oh boy that is the lamest thing I've ever heard".

    - Speak Brummie or with a foreign accent i.e. German or Welsh.

    - Pretend to be on hold and then play "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up" in the background.


    any other suggestions??


    Richard S.

  12. Over the past two years I've been getting nuisance calls from people claiming to be doing market research.

    I've already told them many times I'm not interested and please don't call again but they never listen.

    Me and my family are getting pretty sick and tired of it, a) they usually speak broken English, b) some can't even say my name correctly and c) our number is registered with the telephone preference service so they shouldn't be calling anyway.


    Well just yesterday I got another phone call and I'm not entirely sure if this was a prank or a scam but it just adds more insults to injury.

    This guy tells me they've been receiving many complaints about market research calls and wondered if I would like my number to be removed from the list.

    Naturally I said yes, but there's a catch he said he would submit my number to this company that prevents nuisance calls but it requires a monthly subscription.


    Like wtf I pay him to stop them calling me huh, what rotten bloody cheek???


    I should have replied with "well why don't you pay me instead and I'll promise not to fly over and break your legs", but I'm too polite and said I wasn't interested.


    I don't know how these people get away with it the telephone preference service is suppose to stop them from calling but they never do. I'd love to know who these creeps are because frankly they all need prosecuting for harassment.


    Unfortunately the numbers are always withheld so I'm not sure if Virgin Media (my phone company) could help, or maybe they can??


    Any useful advice like telling the next caller to GFY would be most appreciated.


    Richard S.

  13. Just like Solid State Drives (SSD) you should never defrag a flash drive because a) there's very little speed to gain and b) they have limited write cycles before malfunctioning.


    If you want to make your files contiguous the correct procedure would be to:


    -Create a folder on your desktop and copy the contents of your flash drive

    -Format your flash drive

    -Copy the files that was copied to you desktop back to the flash drive.

    -Delete desktop folder and empty recycle bin.


    As a guess it's possible the partition table is screwed, if you're getting "boot sector" errors with Recuva you'll need to use another freeware/crippleware recovery tool.


    Richard S.

  14. Video clips are container files with a video and audio codec data, if you're using Recuva's "Deep scan" mode filenames are missing so it has to guess.

    Since video clips have audio data and audio files have audio data too it's not possible for Recuva to tell them apart.


    Unless you're incredibly lucky you probably won't find a single clip that plays or converts in it's entirety because large deleted files are highly prone to corruption.


    Richard S.

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