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Posts posted by redhawk

  1. There is a very useful hard drive utility called MHDD it has the ability to scan and repair damaged sectors which may correct your CRC problems.

    Although it's designed for IDE and SCSI drives it does provide USB support via SCSI emulation, whether this work or not depends on your hardware.


    Just remember to boot with USB support and set "Remap" to "ON" in scan options when you run MHDD.


    Richard S.

  2. CRC errors would indicate you have bad sectors and without fixing them it's unlikely Recuva would work because it quits too quickly on faulty drives.

    Perhaps using other recovery programs which have a higher tolerance to errors may have better success at recovering files?? :blink:


    Richard S.

  3. I can confirm that Defraggler v2.01.239 search function is buggy as described by Crumbley.


    I have 2 files in "My Documents" filenames "2006_test_doc.doc" and "test_doc_2006.doc"

    Search pattern used was *2006*.doc with "Include non-frang..." enabled and the following was found:

    test_doc_2006.doc (but no 2006_test_doc.doc as expected).


    Also tried *.doc, .doc, and * for all files but still won't display 2006_test.doc.doc


    Richard S.

  4. Walmart have some nice wireless routers for $40 or less so I'm sure you'll find something relatively cheap.

    I can't really recommend brands since I only own a LINKSYS WRT54GS router and it hasn't let me down yet.

    A friend of mine recently bought a $40 Neargear for his laptop + Wii via Roadrunner and seems very happy with it.

    There are other brands too but if you want feedback go to Amazon.com and read the product comment pages.


    A few things to consider:

    Connection type - DSL or Cable, if your modem has a ethernet port then you need a cable router.

    Speed G or N - (N is backwards compatible with G and faster but can operate in the 5GHz band).

    The top speed of Wifi G or N only applies to machines running in a local network.

    if your broadband connection is 10megs then internet access via Wifi or G or N would still be 10megs.


    Richard S.

  5. If I recall correctly "Class not registered" would suggest you have problems with WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation).

    I don't use Windows 7 so I cannot help you with testing or fixing it.


    Richard S.

  6. Spotify has no clear cache option only the ability to limit the total usage to 1GB which is frankly stupid.

    It would therefore be useful if Ccleaner could add support for cleaning Spotify's ogg cache files.

    The default location is "%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Spotify\Storage" however this can be changed from program settings.

    The folders inside "Storage" can be safely removed since running Spotify would simply rebuild them again.


    (p.s. any indication of planned support for Spotify would be most appreciated)


    Richard S.

  7. For the most part the latest drivers offered by manufacturer's are usually better than their previous, however I've had situations for me that the original or older software / drivers work better.

    The point I'm making here is you really don't need software to download your drivers files when it's quite easily go visit the manufacturer's website and do it yourself.


    Richard S.

  8. I fail to see the point for such an program if you install new hardware such as a webcam, sound card or graphics card you usually have a driver install CD.

    If you have lost your install CDs then go visit the manufacturer's website and download the drivers yourself you don't need a application to do it for you.


    Richard S.

  9. I suspect the registry keys do not work for 64bit windows because of references to shell32.dll and not shell64.dll

    Without access to 64bit Windows it's not possible to fix, you could however use Hiren's Boot CD "Mini XP" which is a bootable copy of 32bit XP.

    The beauty of Mini XP is you have a workable Windows Explorer shell with support for networking and hot swapping USB flash drives.

    Also if I recall correctly you do not need to patch the registry because it already has the correct registry entries for Recuva to work.


    Richard S.

  10. What version of Windows are you running??


    If you look at device manager do you see any yellow markers hovering over your sounds devices??


    If you run "eventvwr.exe" (event viewer) do you see any errors relating to audio or audio devices??


    Richard S.

  11. Are you running from an Admin account??


    Do you have any particular Anti-Virus or H.I.P.S. software installed??


    If you boot into Safe Mode do you still have the same problem??


    Richard S.

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