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Posts posted by redhawk

  1. Your videos are divided into titles unfortunately most DVD players will pause between titles because they're not treated as continuos unlike chapters.

    The best way around this would be to cut each clip, save them as individual files and then rebuild / merge them all back into one mpeg clip.

    If you need software then Avidemux should be able to help - http://avidemux.sourceforge.net/download.html


    Richard S.

  2. I couldn't care less if the President watch the death of Bin Laden that's his personal choice and that has nothing to do with democracy.

    Bin Laden got what he desired being a homicidal nutter however I feel that CIA heads should also roll because they were the ones who gave him training to fight the Russians in Afghanistan.


    As for Obama I find him very dull and uncharismatic but at least he seems quite sensible and level headed unlike some people.

    Bush on the other hand was too trigger happy in taking out Saddam Hussein (and Tony Blair), all this rubbish about weapons of mass destruction and the claims he has links to al-Qa'ida was quite laughable.

    Sadly the UK and US tax contributors are still paying for their sins and for many years to come. :\


    I think the music video of "Shoot The Dog - George Michael" certainly sums up my feelings about Tony and Bush.


    Richard S.

  3. It's surprising that a bug company like Microsoft doesn't already own and run it's own mobile network.

    If Skype are bought out it I hope the mobile Skype services and Windows client say unchanged.


    Richard S.

  4. To address the original poster, there's no need to defrag the system registry (not the hive files) because it's not comparable to a fragmented file system.

    It's true to say that the creation and deletion of registry keys could lead to trapped redundant data however this has no bearing on the performance of your machine.

    As for registry cleaners there's no such thing as safe cleaning, any program that hacks off registry keys using a set of rules always carries an element of risk.


    Richard S.

  5. So I'm Googling and minding my own business but I can't help but notice the main Google page has a poppy stuck below the logo and unlinked.




    It's still a bit early for poppy day (November) as far as I'm concerned and neither has there been anything in the news regarding poppies either.


    Does anyone know what this is all about??


    Richard S.

  6. approximate health?

    How exactly are you suppose to quantify approximate health??


    The life span of a hard drive follows no set pattern, it could be working now and dead the next day i.e. bad controller board or the drive won't spin up.

    There is also the S.M.A.R.T. status and while this does indicate possible hardware problems it's still not enough to predict the life expectancy of a hard drive.

    A drive could have bad sectors and work fine without problems for many years like my old work PC which I have used continuously for well over 8 years with bad sectors.


    Having said that it would be useful for Defraggler to monitor the S.M.A.R.T. status for attributes like temperature since Defragging being an intensive process of reading and writing data would generate a certain amount of heat.

    A hard drive with problems can in some cases over heat very quickly and damage itself by intensively disk operations or by inadequate cooling.


    Richard S.

  7. I always prefer GIF.

    I find that typically JPG files are several times larger.

    GIF files are useful in certain situations such as animation but they're no match for other formats because they're limited to a maximum of 256 colours.

    Furthermore there's no data compression and each colour pallet requires a table of RGB values thus adding to the existing file size.

    JPG have no such requirements for pallets it also uses lossy compress so the file size can vary depending on the amount of detail you require.

    If you're generating JPGs files bigger than GIFs then you're probably using the wrong amount of data compression.

    When I create JPGs with IrfanView I use a compression setting of 86% which creates small enough files with acceptable image quality.


    JPG - best image format compression quality vs file size (JPG 2000 is better but not widely used).

    GIF - good for animation but limited to 256 colours

    PNG - pixel perfect compression with alpha channel

    TGA - pixel perfect uncompressed with alpha channel


    Richard S.

  8. Does this sound familiar: "If you don't have an iPhone, well you don't have an iPhone" - link

    Adverts are suppose to be funny, informative and inspiring but apple adverts are so pathetic lately I just wanna hit them with a brick.


    One thing that did catch my attention iTunes store selling tracks for 79p to 99p each, is iTunes really that expensive??


    Considering the price of album CDs works out cheaper than buying individual tracks (and probably with DRM protection) I personally think they're grossly overpriced.


    Richard S.

  9. If they are both in the same (or neighbor) sector the access is faster.

    That scenario is only applicable to "unbuffered sector read" which is never used for file access anyway.

    All hard drives have built-in cache memory because they can read faster than Windows can collect and process the data.

    So basically placement of files doesn't hinder performance as long as they're contiguous, however if all your files were badly fragmented then performance could drop.


    Richard S.

  10. His death sounds suspicious - body tossed into the sea under islamic traditions?? hmmm.

    As for the rest of the world his death won't change a thing there's still a growing army of people fed on hatred and ideological brainwashing.


    The war of terror isn't over yet until all of mankind destroys itself :blink:


    Richard S.

  11. The moderator who locked the topic should have explained their reasons for doing so to avoid confusion.

    As for sticky/pinned topics it won't work some people are just too lazy to check the forum before posting.


    Richard S.

  12. What error message does Windows XP show regarding this DLL??


    Have you noticed any strange behavior, i.e. slowness, jerkiness??


    In case of file system errors run "chkdsk.exe /f" and reboot.


    Richard S.

  13. To be honest defragging is a pretty slow process anyway but since Defragger, AUSLogics and JK Defrag all use the same Windows API I very much doubt there's any speed difference.

    However I have experienced a problem with Defragger running incredibly slow, it turns out 2 threads were pegging my CPU even when I paused the program.


    If you're using Defragger again and experience slowness, pause it and check for high CPU load.


    Richard S.

  14. I'm with hazelnut on this I think the inconsistency of your CMOS clock could mean your battery needs replacing soon.

    Most motherboard batteries are fairly standard CR2032 but check your manual just to be sure.


    - is there a real danger of a hardware failure?


    Bering in mind the battery keeps the clock ticking away it's also required to keep your BIOS settings alive.

    A low battery could cause the setting to be lost or corrupted and in some cases this make your PC appear dead.

    This happen to a friend of mine a few years ago his PC was working fine and then the next day it wouldn't boot up or even show the BIOS setup menu for that matter.

    To cut a long story short I fixed it using the "Clear CMOS" jumper on the motherboard this forces the BIOS to load the default settings.

    After that I changed his battery and never had a problem with it since. :)


    Richard S.

  15. It turns out that CCleaner wasn't looking for string value "Content Type" after all, in fact anything set in the registry would be enough to shut it up, like wtf??


    As a novice programmer myself I'm struggling to understand the logic behind CCleaner detection and the fact no one is taking this seriously.

    So I posted a VIDEO today, I automatically added a new file type AAA with the default application of notepad.exe

    You can see CCleaner's detection before, after and when I added an extra registry key to this file type.


    Richard S.

  16. Are you performing quick defrag or normal defrag??


    As far as I'm aware the exclusion rule filters out the results for "File list" I'm not sure if the same is true for quick defrag.


    Richard S.

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