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Posts posted by redhawk

  1. They are jerky here, might freeze for an instant

    I bet your CPU is being pegged which is a common problem while using Adobe's ***ty and badly optimised Flash Player.

    When the CPU overloads it cannot render all the frames in time and must drop some thus causing jerky video playback.

    If your graphics card has h.264 hardware support then enabling hardware acceleration in settings should help.

    Flash has never been jerk free for me which I can't understand because I have no problems watching full screen using WMP, VLC or XMBC.


    Richard S.

  2. Adding SATA as a slave drive isn't the issue here it's getting Windows XP to boot from SATA using an IDE preinstalled backup copy.

    Some BIOS do provide SATA IDE emulation, it's slower than native SATA but maybe a viable solution provide his machine support it.

    I don't have a SATA drive to play so I can't advise Dennis what drive to buy, however I do know for a fact XP + SATA can be a pain in the backside.


    Richard S.

  3. My Acer Laptop had XP pre-installed and no installation discs were supplied.

    Doesn't your Acer have a recovery partition??


    My Asus netbook didn't come with discs either but I can restore XP anytime because my hard drive has a backup copy.


    Richard S.

  4. If the files are in the MFT then it's not be possible to overwrite however you may be able to force an overwrite if you fill up your hard drive with dummy files until the space runs out.

    Just be aware that when an NTFS drive is running out of space the $MFT is likely to fragment as a side effect.


    Richard S.

  5. Computers do generate heat and too much heat isn't good for your hardware or for electronic components.

    I would suggest you monitor your machine using a program called SpeedFan since Speccy still doesn't give tempture readings for P4 CPUs.


    Note that your graphics card will run a lot hotter than everything else so you should ignore the readings.

    However if your CPU, motherboard or hard drive are getting close to 60C then you have a problem.

    Over heating could indicate a cooling / airflow problem i.e fans not working fully because they're clogged up with dust and dirt.

    Another possibility could be the hard drive, if it gets hot quickly and is much hotter than the CPU or motherboard then you have a problem.


    Richard S.

  6. If the information from Speccy is correct then yes your motherboard does support SATA.

    For XP to boot from SATA it needs the raid drives provided by your motherboard manufacturer which normally happens during the XP setup process.

    It maybe possible to incorporate the drivers with your IDE drive, backup to an image and then restore to SATA however I've never attempted such a thing.

    Unless you have the original XP install CD + raid drivers you might as well play it safe and buy a replacement IDE drive for a few extra quid.



    Richard S.

  7. Save the following to a file called os.vbs and run it.

    strComputer = "."

    Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

    Set OS = objWMI.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")

    For Each item in OS

    Wscript.Echo item.caption & ", Service Pack " & item.ServicePackMajorVersion & "." & item.ServicePackMinorVersion


    Does it print the correct Service Pack??


    Richard S.

  8. It looks like your motherboard already supports SATA 2 x hard drives.

    Even if you was able to install a SATA hard drive you couldn't use your existing backup because it lacks the RAID drivers.


    Do you have the motherboard model number or BIOS rev from the setup??


    Richard S.

  9. Kerio Personal Firewall, System Safety Monitor (HIPS), Virtual Box running XP or Linux (Sandbox protection for safe browsing and testing software) with snapshot mode to provide instant roll back, A/V: MBAM, McAfee Stinger, AVG (install, scan, uninstall).


    Richard S.

  10. 05 Reallocated Sectors Count 200 (200) Data 0000000000

    07 Seek Error Rate 100 (253) Data 0000000000

    C4 Reallocation Event Count 200 (200) Data 0000000000

    Data = 0000000000 = Good.

    While S.M.A.R.T does give you an indication of pending problems it cannot be solely relied upon.

    I would suggest you Benchmark test your hard drive with HD Tune and see if performance drops or gets worse over time.


    Richard S.

  11. My parents had one of them phones many years ago before they switched to digital.

    I used to dial numbers by tapping the off-hook just for fun, most of the time I was successful. :)


    Richard S.

  12. Although Windows has many services not all are active and the ones that are running do not really cause significant slow down.

    Some services are essential for running Windows so be careful what you turn off you may cause more harm than good.


    - If you're experiencing slow downs check your CPU load / Interrupts make sure they're not pegged (use Process Explorer for this).

    - Check your system logs (eventvwr.exe) this may indicate problems with software or hardware that wasn't entirely obvious.

    - Make sure your IDE transfer mode is set to DMA and not PIO mode.

    - Check the health of your hard drive make sure it's read/write performance is on form (Benchmark test with HD Tune).

    - Defrag your file system and pagefile, if you haven't defragged in a while your machine performance could suffer.

    - If your machine has 128MB or less RAM then add more memory to your machine i.e. 512MB+

    - Malware could also contribute to a system slowdown due to poor coding.


    Richard S.

  13. While there are many loyal customers for this product, we have found that most customers prefer to purchase GFI VIPRE? Antivirus Premium instead

    More people prefer to buy over software that free to use?? lol nonsense.


    btw: you can still download Sunbelt firewall, the page may have gone but the setup file is still online.


    Richard S.

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