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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. Possibly something in your Chrome profile/settings became corrupted.
  2. Sorry for posting the same link as I didn't even notice you had already posted it. Interestingly enough though we've both had the same conclusion, rather it's right or wrong who knows.
  3. I couldn't find that on the official Firefox Add-on's site however I did find a help page with instructions at http://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/support/firefox8_integration.html and according to it you may need to update IDM integration due to a Firefox update perhaps disabling it for compatibility reasons. The instructions on the page are very specific on what must be done, such as having to restart the computer after updating it.
  4. Perhaps error scan your hard disk and see if that allows it to properly defragment to completion.
  5. Andavari


    With what's in the screenshot I agree because on Windows 10 it just re-downloads them in a short amount of time. "Maybe by unpinning certain things in the Windows Start Menu area will curb some of it" - but make sure you have a good system backup before messing around with the settings for an easy effortless way to undo any changes you may not like.
  6. I don't think you can draw the line or come to an end point, simply because things keep changing and adblocking software isn't what it used to be just 5-10 years ago because of the new subscriptions that can block malicious activity instead of just annoyances like an animated ad banner.
  7. Giving it a whirl in uBlock Origin and the Windows HOSTS file format since some of the URL's in it (only 27 of them) are blocked by filters I already had in uBlock Origin - I don't know how many were already blocked in my HOSTS file though.
  8. Thank you for the update info Hazelnut. I always wonder what they've declassified when the Hosts file decreases in size by almost 30kb.
  9. FYI: Probably because it used to be located at Piriform.com, however it's now on CCleaner.com.
  10. Panda Dome ("aka Panda Free Antivirus"), primarily because it runs light on this old WinXP system.
  11. Malwarebytes has always been high on RAM usage from what I've experienced. Personally I only use it as a second opinion scanner.
  12. That's straight to the point.
  13. Microsoft themselves used to have a registry cleaner I'm thinking it was back in or near the Win98 era, it would break their own Office program if used, then fast forward a few years and they had one built into their online antivirus scanner and it too would damage Office and other some other stuff. The point of CCleaner is it's extensible, just look at the winapp2.ini topic to learn more. Sure Disk Cleanup in Windows will clean allot if properly configured to do so, and you can even use things like Sageset and Sagerun to extend it more (see here, and here), but it won't clean MRU's in a program, Wipe Free Space, etc.
  14. Folders in the Recycle Bin are normal, at least they were on Windows XP. Also if you were for instance on something like Windows XP or whatever other version, then for instance plug in your external drive into a Windows 10 computer they each have their own separate/unique Recycle Bins. The different OSes and any 3rd party cleaning utilities running on a particular OS will ignore another OSes Recycle Bin not associated with it - at least that's what I've observed on my external USB hard disk which isn't too much of an issue to manually delete the contents of, if whatever version of Windows you're using at the time doesn't lock you out of doing such.
  15. Since this is rather important I've pinned it.
  16. Usually when Windows 10 all of a sudden doesn't like a program (guess they're called apps nowadays) is to do as you've already stated above; uninstall the program, and then reinstall it - of course making sure you have the newest version that's available as trying to use an outdated version of CCleaner may not go well with Win10. For awhile Win10 would disable CCleaner, and it would have to be reinstalled. It's the reason I put the portable version of CCleaner on my mother's Win10 laptop back when all that was happening and it never once caused an issue with CCleaner.
  17. I don't know the depth of how those work having never truly being interested in them, however just looking at some YouTube malware removal videos has shown that some malware is able to still damage stuff even on virtualized systems. So perhaps having a known good full disk image backup stored off the system is still a very good practice for people depending upon virtualization to save their bacon in case of system damage from malware or buggy/shoddy software.
  18. Good that someone is having a nice go with a Linux distro. My issue has always been Printer/Scanner support issues, and not one of them have been able to allow me to have working audio. The printer/scanner thing I can deal with but with having no audio I ditch them. I do keep a disc with SLAX burned onto it handy, but only for the ability to use an anti-virus software outside of Windows for those just in case moments for paranoia's sake that thankfully hasn't ever been needed yet.
  19. That's sounds like what happened to me many years ago when I went from using Avira Free Antivirus to the paid version... ...nothing but problems.
  20. Probably just got lucky! Edit: I just remembered one cause in the past (maybe it still exists) when the Pro version would stop automatically updating could be due to the Root Certificates in Windows needing to be updated from the Microsoft Updates website.
  21. The registry cleaner may work good with still supported older OSes such as Windows XP, but with Windows 10 there's allot more to break, and you're really entering unknown territory using or even trusting any registry cleaner not just the one in CCleaner. Since Windows 10 is a constantly evolving OS it's best to refrain from cleaning its registry. Registry cleaner's depending upon how aggressive they are can produce false positives - that's where they become damaging. The truth is they're only useful if people have the patience to manually investigate each and every entry they deem as invalid because if that's not done there's the potential of breaking something. I personally will not run a registry cleaner on Windows 10 not even CCleaner's and even though it's considered as being non-aggressive it can produce a false positive. Also if you look at security software such as Malwarebytes when scanning it will flag some registry cleaners as potential malware or unwanted software (even if they're not actually infected).
  22. I think MB having their own experimental extension is alright, however I'd hope for more to be honest. I'm surprised they haven't just coded their own very security focused clones of Firefox and Chrome/Chromium that are automatically sandboxed with strong malware protection (perhaps cloud-based) built in, and what that extension is for -- that way if something were to get through the browser's protection the installed version of MB (or a traditional AV product) would then be tasked to deal with it.
  23. Misspelling a very popular website address URL and you can wind up with an infected computer if your browser's security and AV solution fails.
  24. I'll point an admin who's a Piriform employee to this topic. Not using the Pro version myself I can't really answer the question because I don't know. -------------------------------- I do however know for many people they've had update issues, as in they download the installer and for whatever reason it refuses to install, however if they reboot or try to install in Safe Mode it may successfully install.
  25. He's not a newbie mod, he's been on here for years and the only information we know as volunteers on the forums is that it's a 1 year subscription, and then if not paying for an additional year when that 1 year subscription has expired some things will become disabled, while others will remain active.
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