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Everything posted by razz

  1. Thank you Dennis for your detailed instructions on how to apply DrWeb Link Scanner to Opera. That option coupled with the security/fraud report that you can request via Alt+Enter will be very useful. I used Firefox for quite some time but always had a really slow launch time. I decided to try Opera 10 and was very pleased with the much quicker launch time. I estimate that in my case Opera 10 launches 4 to 5 times quicker than Firefox 3.5
  2. I thought for sure that she really wanted me I guess when I ignored her/him she/he flipped out and went a little overboard sending it to one and all ROTFLMAO
  3. Thank you JDPower for your tip. I was able to completely uninstall Firefox, then reinstall and then restore my bookmarks and add-ons via FEBE. The only thing I needed to do was re-enter my settings for my add-ons. All working great now.
  4. Couldn't find about:config - where is it located?
  5. What exact procedure did you use to reinstall? I want to make sure I don't lose my bookmarks and addons.
  6. I've had FF 3.5 since it was in beta and now the final release and have had zero problems until yesterday. Now every time I launch FF, the home pages of over half of my add-ons open (I have 11 add-ons). Naturally this is not good I have not tried to uninstall and then re-install. I would rather not because I would then need to download all my add-ons again. Any ideas?
  7. In a future version of my AZFL program, I will be including the capability to launch the current version of both Avira AntiVir and AVG Anti-Virus. I therefore need to know the default path to launch the respective .exe file. I thought posting here would be easier than disabling avast and downloading both programs. Your assistance is appreciated. EDIT: found the path to both.
  8. Not too often, not too infrequent, just right :-) Thanks Icedrake.
  9. ThreatFire enables you to perform a rootkit scan. As you know, there are many other rootkit scanners on the market as well (besides the built in rootkit scan as part of many anti-virus programs). Performing a rootkit scan once a week seems about right to me. What's your opinion?
  10. razz


    Tom I have been using version since it was released and have not experienced what you did - i.e. nothing new was flagged.
  11. razz

    July Desktops

    Simple but magnificent
  12. razz

    July Desktops

    Very nice...love it!
  13. razz


    Very odd, I did that initially yesterday and it didn't work when I tried to change the icon on a folder. But, now its working.
  14. razz


    Thanks for the tip Aethec.
  15. razz


    YAY!! I did it according to your instructions - it works perfectly. I copied your answer to Notepad so someday when I forget how I'll have a reference. Thanks! EDIT: I merged two icons and found that in order to make it a usable icon, I had to do the following: after saving in JPG format in Paint.Net I had to convert it to the ico format using IcoFX. This worked. I was wondering if I am missing something and could simplify the task?
  16. razz


    Thanks Andavari, just downloaded the plug-in. BTW, would you know if its possible to merge two pgn or ico images with Paint.Net?
  17. razz


    Been using Paint.Net v3.36 for about a week now and find it to be a great image editor. Some of you may find it useful. http://www.paint.net/
  18. razz

    Hello to all

    Hi Johnny, welcome to the best forum in cyberspace. Good people on here.
  19. Quite funny... http://upchucky.com/flash-fun/smokingmonkey.html
  20. Upon further research, e.g. google - it appears that the source I quoted may not be reliable concerning some issues. I think the "Old", as in Old Prefetch Data, says it all. Basically not used often therefore removing it will not hurt performance. Should have realized that the CCleaner crew knows best.
  21. abu aufa, if you wish, give a link to your site so perhaps some members can offer suggestions based on what they see.
  22. On doing some research on the subject I found this.... http://home.comcast.net/~SupportCD/XPMyths.html#Optimization Scroll down about half way under the heading "Prefetch - Folder Cleaning", scroll down further to heading "CCleaner". I could not post a quote here because the site does not want any reproduction of any page. But here is about the author:
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