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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. I do believe the devs are working on this, sorry this release did not fix the issue. I've alerted the devs to this.
  2. Bottom of this page https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/download
  3. Maybe outpost et al left behind registry entries, but still odd that they show.
  4. Speccy, which released a new version this week, is available at https://www.ccleaner.com/speccy/builds Other locations (other than filehippo) are illegitimate.
  5. I'm not sure what you are asking, but I removed your license key, don't share that in public
  6. Afaik the mac version does not have an analogous expansion that the windows version has
  7. Usually one of us moderator types would point you to filehippo but, when I went to get you a link, I saw no old versions. Hopefully that is a fluke on my part.
  8. With all do respect, they did exactly that at the time of the infection, september of 2017 It does basically nothing because shortly after its discovery the data receiver server was shut down. More information here
  9. All ccleaner installers (pro,trial and free) include both the 32bit (ccleaner.exe) and 64bit (ccleaner64.exe). The execution of ccleaner.exe will look at your system and magically open ccleaner64.exe for you, if your pc is 64bit.
  10. This is a known issue with 5.42, don't quote me but I believe a fix is due in 5.43
  11. You should be able to get .6499 at https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds Are you saying that page is serving .6495?
  12. You either have an outdated ccleaner or still had an old installer laying around because it's catching the september 2017 version of ccleaner which was indeed infected.
  13. I tried to find proof that the hotfix was for chrome but what I thought I read today was nowhere to be found. I hope I was not wrong about that Found it
  14. Today's release was a hotfix for the chrome corruption. The release has slightly delayed the next iteration of ccleaner.
  15. I think this thread is about windows2008 bug. If you require help, please start your own thread; this will assure both you and the original poster get the attention due.
  16. I believe the new build only fixes the chrome bug. If they've given the impression that the win2008 issue is going to be fixed next version (honestly can't remember what the state of that thread is) then a numbered change is when you should expect it (such as 5.42 to 5.43)
  17. Threadcomancy is a lost art. This is an old thread, if you're trying to aid them; if you are, instead, trying to ask something, please start a new thread and provide much more information.
  18. Likely those duplicates are needed (such as system files). Instead of blindly removing all duplicates, you should look at each entry and judiciously choose only files you know shouldn't be duplicates (such as images, docs or music files).
  19. I can't answer for the strange ram issue. I will pass this up the chain to see if we can get an official answer.
  20. looking at your screenshot tells me you're trying to blindly restore all found without looking at the results. Each file listed there have multiple copies. What you are doing, restoring files, cannot be done without forethought. You will be more successful in looking. Also recuva still scans for everything even if you apply a filter, it's best to put the filter on after the scan has occured.
  21. Yes, moderators also noticed the size change and have commented on it to developers
  22. The developers have acknowledged the bug with Kaspersky and ccleaner. For many the instructions I put above work, obviously from this thread it can be seen that it doesn't always work
  23. Uninstall ccleaner Update kaspersky to the latest patch Reinstall ccleaner Should no longer crash
  24. Update kaspersky to the latest patch, uninstall then reinstall ccleaner, see if that helps. The devs are currently working on a fix
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