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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. I've never tried the booster tool, but lets start with basics. Device and Android version: Kit Kat; Marshmallow; Pie?
  2. You don't tell us which browser you use: Safari; Chrome; Firefox?
  3. This isn't the place for alternatives. This is an official company website. Mentions of competition software will be edited.
  4. What "questions at hand"? I don't understand what you mean. This issue that the thread focuses on is for ccleaner 5.45. As I said, this version is defunct. It has been replaced with an earlier version.
  5. As stated in .45 you cannot turn off monitoring, that's why current was rolled back to .44 If you have other problems (with .44) please start a thread so members there can focus on your issue(s).
  6. @robmm76 if you use ccleaner 5.44 instead of .45 you won't need to kill the ccleaner process.
  7. I believe that both companies are aware of the bug and looking into it (or they were in early july).
  8. Which version of ccleaner did you install (5.45 or 5.44)? 45 had an issue where it started automatically with windows. .44 is back up as the latest version. If you were trying the .45, will you be willing to retry with slim that's up now (.44)? By the way nothing in ccleaner is different betwen slim and regular. Slim just doesn't include bundled software (avast, google toolbar, chrome) in it's installer.
  9. You must've not checked in for a bit. .45 was pulled because piriform did something they shouldn't have.
  10. Did you white list ccleaner in bitdefender? What version of ccleaner?
  11. Keep it civil people. Thank you
  12. @mta this is a mac question, no windows explorer
  13. All I see is two false positives in a sea of green oks. Not only that but one is clear that it's the bundled offer (google toolbar in this case). The other Yandex is unknown to me and looks like a false positive.
  14. I'm not sure that's a good link so I put it in code. Filehippo is the only authorized old version repo including pre-avast
  15. Try the slim build from https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds
  16. Yes you should never have two antivirus (except malwarebytes in non-live scan mode). Maybe one (avg) is stopping ccleaner from running. You probably installed avast along with ccleaner. There's a checkbox that you have to uncheck in the first page of the ccleaner installer (don't feel alone there are others here who missed the checkbox too). EDIT: just reread your original post and noticed you tried in safe mode and it still did it. This less looks like antivirus. Is it the installer or ccleaner that gets to 95 percent.
  17. Do you also use brave, what is the parent browser (firefox? chromium?)
  18. Wait it gave you less files when you ran a non-filtered scan?
  19. No you don't have to recreate ccleaner.ini the only files in the portable zip are: lang files; ccleaner.exe; ccleaner64.exe; portable.dat; and license.txt No other files are erased or overwritten. Conversely you can delete any file not those files from your ccleaner folder. You can even delete any language files you don't need. If english no language file are needed at all. This fact about language files is true for non-portable too.
  20. Are you using the registry tool? Or just regular cleaning. What version of windows? What checkmarks have you added to the defaults in the cleaner tool? Are you using a winapp2 file or using any ccleaner enhancing software? Which applications were effected?
  21. GDPR is for personaly indentifiable material. The developers have said there is no P.I.M collected.
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