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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. Currently a bug is in ccleaner with the latest chrome, this may be the issue here.
  2. I know current build of chrome severely broke ccleaner for windows, it is possible the same may be true on the Mac. The developers are looking into the PC issue, and read all threads so they should also see this. However, just in case, make sure you have fully exited chrome before cleaning.
  3. The have already stated that the are working on a fix, I'm not sure where all the vitriol is coming from in this reply above me. It feels a bit trolly when you type replies like those of @Question42. @billiam904, on the other hand, makes a good point, about you users having "done your jobs; without this community all coming together, to show that this bug wasn't the usual fixable issue (which @Question42 would have known if they had bothered to have read the thread) it may not have given the developers the information they needed to call it a bug. So a big hand to all of you who've replied civilly here, those of you should be proud of yourselves.
  4. The developers read all threads. They rarely will interact unless they need more information. That said, I would not mess with things inside apps, especially MS Solitaire as that program is known for breaking (read some of the reviews). However the developers do (as I said) read every thread so you may see this added.
  5. Upgrade to professional will not fix this. Android 3.X and newer only mounts as Photo Transfer (PTP) or Media Transfer (MTP) device. Recuva, and most other likewise software, can only access devices that mount as Drives (e.g. Memory Sticks, Hard Disc Drives , Solid State Drives and the like).
  6. File Hippo has all the old versions of defraggler, if you follow the download links from piriform.com one of the choices is file hippo.
  7. For recovering data it's best to act fast. First get a small external drive (with free space enough to hold the data you need) Next (preferably on a different computer from the one with data lost if possible) download to the external drive recuva portable (from the parent site of this forum) http://www.piriform.com/recuva/builds Extract the zip file contents to the external If you did these steps on another computer, now is the time to plug the external into the computer with the lost data. Run the recuva exe directly off the external drive. I've taken the liberty of moving this thread to the recuva discussion board where we will be provide you with continued aid if needed. I will private message you a link to the new location in case you can't find it. Until you recover the data you MUST USE THE EFFECTED PC AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE in order to maximize your chances of successfully recovering.
  8. The development team has confirmed there is a bug and is currently looking into it.
  9. Why would you need one. Windows 10 has a desktop, thus the desktop application works. As far as if it's possible, I believe Windows 10 Apps run sandboxed and can't effect system or others apps.
  10. In order to provide you aid you'll need to remove the enhancing as it is unsupported (and discourged from mention) on this website
  11. What? If this is helpful I'm not understanding, if not try and be a little more useful when posting in threads which deserve it...
  12. @mmjr2000 I'm not sure why you hold my pointing out the reason this has, in the past, occurred (so much so that we made it a sticky thread) as somehow being insulting, but that was not the intent. I am not at your multiple PCs, thus how am I to know what features, of a application causing trouble, that a user uses. I pointed to steps that have worked, previous to this current bug. I in no way stated that anyone who wrote that they had checked those reasons off the troubleshooting list was in any way disingenuous, and, in fact, have assured thread participants that the developers read the threads and the only unsupported case was those using beta software. Perhaps dial back the accusations, next time
  13. Thanks for the detailed report. The developers read every thread, though rarely comment, I'm sure they will look into this issue with a core feature
  14. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=40285&do=findComment&comment=244877 EDIT Also ccleaner cannot support beta versions as the developers get them the same time you do
  15. Turn off Google's sync, everytime you open google it's redownloading your history. It's in the sticky on this board, by the way http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=40285&do=findComment&comment=244877
  16. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=35458&view=getnewpost
  17. No there should be no conflict unless they both use the same location for firefox profile. Uncheck session and the issue may go away
  18. By drives do you mean separate systems? Or just one windows with two drives? If the latter than ccleaner only cleans the location of your firefox profile the 2nd drive wouldn't come into play at all.
  19. Not sure that's what this thread means by feedback also I think you're misreading the cloud part of this. Think of it more as a sysadmin panel from which to perform ccleaner, defraggler and speccy on multiple machines without physically being at the client machines and/or installing on each pc.
  20. @Willy2 I think they go hand in hand as (I've been lead to believe) cloud seems to run (basically) portable piriforms on remote PCs
  21. Make sure you've quit safari before looking at ccleaner
  22. Hi, @Rajamincan you attempt re-uploading your image, it doesn't show. Everybody, the developers appreciate your submissions. I hope they can make things better for you. Just a reminder, be sure you have the latest bios version for your PC as sometimes the bug maybe in the motherboard-to-windows communication and/or the way Speccy reads that data
  23. Wow, you told him this month before hazelnut dod. Lol (she "asks" why his doesn't show many months)
  24. Do you have wipe free space checked off
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