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Everything posted by davey

  1. Welcome Saad, It is now all written using Visual C++. davey
  2. I CAN confirm that using WinXP pro SP3 + IE7 that the "cookies to be deleted" are deleted from the Cookies folder and likewise the "cookies to keep" are kept in the Cookies folder. CCleaner Options > Cookies will display zero "cookies to delete" and my regular "cookies to keep" list after "running the Cleaner". davey
  3. Hi admsupport, There certainly seems to be a "pile" of evidence building that it is related to having IE8 beta2. You maybe a 'lucky' user because some users are losing all their "cookies". It would be nice to find out what you are doing in IE8 and those that lose them all are doing. YoKenny and Disk4mat both have had all their cookies deleted. Disk4mat has more insight into this than I. Maybe you can give him an idea of your settings etc in IE8 and post them before he returns. davey P.S. Just saw Augeas post. You are actually looking in the "Cookies" folder and "all" the cookies are still there. Right ?
  4. davey

    Help Please

    I would install them all and eliminate any future problems that way. davey P.S. I have them all installed and never encountered any problems. It is mysterious sometimes . Whenever I have my tools in the trunk of my car, I never have any breakdowns. If I don't have my tools, Bang! something breaks and there I am with no tools. I would rather have my tools with me and not need them then the other way around. Sure makes the traveling a lot easier.
  5. Don't forget the basics ! Turn everything on then run the Network Wizard again on all the PC's in your network. Don't forget your Wireless Wizard also. Good luck, davey
  6. davey

    Help Please

    Hi Abu, Nice seeing you again. This guy has the "magic" when it comes to .NET framework. I have used his tool a few times. Bookmark and save it to Favorites, this time. http://blogs.msdn.com/astebner/archive/200.../08/406671.aspx And this reminder thread. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=107619 You may need this thread also. This will be part of your fix. Yes each .Net Framework version may be needed at different times. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=102524 I find that I have enough problems in life without creating more for myself. This includes "cleaning" the Registry and also trying to save a few bytes by removing parts of my Windows OS. Life can be more fun if we just keep it simple! Good luck and see you later, davey BTW, have some fun with people you enjoy !
  7. Many Dinosaurs don't know squat about DOS commands. Most of these Dinosaurs do or at least used to know them. I think,if I can remember. Many "commands" are not very old anyway they just look that way. But if a command line is the only thing available, I recommend using it. I would rather point and click also but some utilities never get to the GUI stage. At this point, it is just a cut and paste thing anyway. Larry, that sure is some time saving before-hand information. Thanks. davey
  8. Sorory mieke I never make missteaks butt I did this one tiyem. Please see my edited Post above. davey
  9. Hi Kalis, Thanks for the input. Please provide some more input. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Provide as much information and detail as you can. Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions? Did you do any software or hardware changes installs or uninstalls? If any changes then have you checked with those forums or manufacturers? What happens if you disable those changes? Are you running with Administrator privileges. CCleaner version ? What Language did you request at install,if any? OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.) Thanks for your feed back, davey
  10. Hi Martin, Welcome You have an excellent question. You need to read about and put the winapp2.ini file into your CCleaner folder. It has entries for many other Applications that our members have provided their input to clean such areas. Just keep in mind that some users "junk" files or settings are another users "treasures". You will have to adjust these as needed. You can find the zip file available at the bottom of the first post in this linked thread. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1110 Best wishes, davey You will also find information in the Guide listed at winapp2.ini. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites
  11. Hello Phil, All the builds have all the features of CCleaner. The "slim" version is offered in English plus the language of your choice at install time. No Yahoo tool bar will be offered at install time. I am unsure about the answer regarding the printable guide . You can PM the author TwistedMetal or E-mail address below. CCleaner Beginner's Guide Printable Version If you have any concerns or question about this guide, feel free to email me at twistedmetal@internetrotsyourbrain.com. Good luck, davey Beginners advice Start here with this link and follow its advice. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208 Also see this link about the Registry and newbies. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=96510 Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.
  12. Man this a great thread for such an important situation. Also don't forget ERUNT's documentation goes into this also . Print it off and keep it with your Emergency PC recovery kit. I am still working on my Emergency boot tools and this info comes in really handy. Thank you all. davey P.S. I only have 3 steps developed so far: 1. Take enclosed Aspirin to prevent or help in case of heart-attack. 2. Take Happy Hour early or like (YoKenny's signature suggests) take a nap. 3. If you find yourself repeating Step 2 over and over, seek immediate professional medical help.
  13. davey


    Yeah but theirs cost money. That must make it better, right ? davey
  14. Both good for different reasons. Both good for Analysis purposes. For daily use you will find Defraggler the speediest file/folder defragger, most informative and the easiest. JkDefrag is best for optimizing but optimizing is not needed that often. A quick defrag is not needed every day either. Windows Disk Defragmenter is the simplest and safest for MOST users. davey
  15. That is a 64 Dollar, Pound, Euro question. What operating systems does CCleaner work with?Fully tried and tested with Windows 98/NT4/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista. It's currently partially compatible with 64bit XP and Vista, there are a few non-critical issues which are still being worked on. There are no Mac or Linux versions. Maybe some of these Vista x64 users can reply. davey
  16. Hi Joseba, Welcome Good to have you. You sure posted in the right forum. From the responses I have seen, people reading this thread can learn a few things, especially "newbies". These Piriform forums are a great place to visit and learn a little at a time. Msconfig can be found searching here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Searc...arch=&go=Go Wikipedia Bookmark and save to Favorites One of the fastest sources for learning with plenty of valuable links for each subject for more in-depth learning. CCleaner Tools > Startup lesson The other thing to learn in this situation is that CCleaner Tools > Startup is a great way to control what user controlled Processes(programs) can be Enabled or Disabled to start automatically when you "boot" your PC. This is a great tool as it allows you to "experiment" with these programs. Rather than "Delete" these entries it is best to "Disable" or "Enable" them to see if they are really needed at startup. Many of them are not. The only startup entries that I have "enabled" are 1 security "real time" scanner , the "system tray" program and 1 fast running registry backup program (ERUNT and it only runs the first boot of the day). That is 3 startup entries "Enabled" and all the others "Disabled". (all the googles,yahoos,javas, hps, adobes, managers,phone homes,schedulers, update checkers, auto "destroyers" like cleaners or defraggers etc. Totally un-needed at startup.) Just keep them "Disabled" because sometimes they come in handy. Not often but sometimes. Most of these Startup entries are put in by the software developer when you install their software. They all want to be the first start at "boot" so you think their program is quicker and more important than the other Processes. They love to put their icon in the "system tray" for you to see that their software is on the job. In most cases these programs are only needed in memory when YOU actually need them. Having them in memory slows down other processes and also wastes valuable RAM and CPU cycles. Some software companies have to make up for limitations or drawbacks to their software by having what they call Quick Launch capabilities. The software is so slow to load that it "must have a Quick Launch capability" or it will be unmasked for the space hog that it is. Hope this helps you to clean up your PC from un-needed "system tray" icons and un-needed processes sitting in memory. You will be surprised how much quicker that your PC "boots" and runs. Best wishes, davey
  17. OK ! Thanks again for this information. I too would be horrified as Andavari replies also. If he is horrified than I am too. Luckily Andavari has a vast amount of experience with Windows current and prior versions. He does an Unusual amount of "software testing" and needs his experience to keep his Registry "cleaned". He has much more need to do so than the average user. CCleaner is now completely written in C++ When you downloaded the newest version some new C++ programs may have also been downloaded and need to be loaded. Just in case this did not happen I would use these MS updates to be sure that you have the latest C++ software. Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en Windows 2000; Windows Server 2003; Windows Vista; Windows XP Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en Windows 2000 Service Pack 4; Windows Server 2003; Windows Vista; Windows XP Work with Andavari as much as you can. He is a "Wizard" with the Registry. davey
  18. Hi Williem, Welcome You need to use this thread and submit the Defrag debug report. Defraggler debug mode, What it is and how to use it... http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=12840 Thanks in advance for submitting you "debug" report Good luck, davey
  19. Hello Jan, What OS and version are you using. Be aware that some problems do exist in CCleaner with 64 bit platforms. Other 64-bit users can give their advice if they know your setup. Me personally I leave the Registry alone. Some "cleaners" say I have 1000- 2000 "issues" "problems" whatever you want to call them . Some say 400-600. CCleaner reports very few. I think someone wants my money more than anything else. Since using CCleaner and forum advice and learning here my PC runs better than when I first got it. No I don't do any Registry cleaning. Too risky and not worth the time in my case and MOST users case. Best wishes, davey
  20. Hello, Welcome to the forums The first thing I would recommend is to reboot your system. Then try running CCleaner without other programs running. You must have Administrator privledges to do this. Let us know what happens ASAP. davey
  21. Hi Mike, You don't say that you also have Index.dat files ticked for cleaning under Internet Explorer. The Advanced Cleaning option User Assist History should also be ticked every now and then. Be aware that you will lose all your un-pinned Start menue icons when you do this. They will start to fill back in when you untick this cleaning option. There are other places that CCleaner can't touch and we need not go there anyhow. How often do you use Recuva to "secure delete" all deleted files ? Good luck, davey Edit to correct name of Piriforms program "Recuva". This program has also been updated to * "secure delete" files that it finds while scanning. *It will overwrite the data areas that remain for previously deleted files that are found outside of the Windows "MFT".
  22. I am not sure about that firewall that you mention. What is it ? Others may have an answer for you. Do you use some Tweak tool to turn off Prefetch ? You are slowing down your PC by doing this. Are you using an Include entry to try to Delete the Prefetch files ? "Prefetch" is your friend and Windows cleans up what needs to be when necessary. Of course, you may already know this. These files probably can't be deleted while you are running CCleaner anyhow or the other programs that may be running also . Not sure but I would think so. davey
  23. Hi moicarol, Good to see that RipChain does not think that your PC is infected. You seem to be having similar problems as I was 1 year ago. I want to recommend that you do these two things first and see how your daily PC use responds. 1. Turn off Indexing Service, set it on Manual and Stopped. Do not turn it back on unless absolutely necessary. 2. Turn off Windows Search. Do the same as you did about Indexing Service. Now we need some questions answered. Type your answers next to or below the question in your reply. This makes it easy for you and us. How long have you been having this problem ? Describe your system please. CPU, Manufacturer, amount of RAM etc. What Browsers do you use ? FF2, FF3 ? IE6 , IE7, IE8 ? What Firewall do you use ? What security programs do you use ? Which security programs do you have running "real time" ? Do you have more than one "running real-time" anti-malware program running at the same time? If Yes, turn all off all except 1 A/V "real-time" scanner and 1 firewall. How many Processes are running right now ? Do you try to run any maintenance programs while other programs or browsers are running. This does not include Firewall or A/V "real-time" program ? If so do not do this for awhile. Do you try to run any other programs when you are running CCleaner ? Do you use the "secure delete" option of CCleaner ? Answer these questions as soon as you can, please. Let us know what is happening whenever something changes. davey P.S. Just noticed YoKenny 's post also 09/16/2008 08: 14 PM EDST . It looks like YoKenny and I both think that you may have too many programs running in the background at the same time. Depending on your CPU etc. this can cause many of the problems that you are experiencing. YoKenny also has spotted some security vulnerabilities that need to be resolved. Another HiJackThis log will definitely help after you take care of some of these conflicts. You should see some immediate results following these directions. Yes, you should turn-off any programs that run unnecessarily all the time in the background. You do not have to uninstall these programs. Just run them when you need them and then turn them off. You can use CCleaner Tools > Startup to Disable these from starting at boot time. It is easy. I use the same Secunia program that you do every couple of weeks or so. Then I turn it off. It is one of the "must have " programs on my PC. Right along with some valuable scanning programs and malware removal programs that should always be on any wise user's PC. I also noticed that you have Adobe Acrobat 7. Install and use Foxit PDF Reader instead. I think you will find it just as good or better than Adobe PDF Reader. You can "try to uninstall" Adobe Acrobat 7 later. Plus you don't need the Quick launch for Adobe PDF reader eating up space either.
  24. Learning is no laughing matter. It can be FUN though ! Anyhow, I don't think Indexing has anything to do with it but for the learning and testing let us try this. Start > r-click on My Computer > Manage. Welcome to the Computer Management screen. It is very handy and easy to get to. In the left panel Expand Services and Applications. Wow! look at that info on the right. You can explore there later. Anyhow the whole idea was to show how to get where you can find Services and Indexing info quickly. You can just as well get to Services by Start > All programs > Administrative tools > Services You will also note Computer Management in the same menu. As many Windows evolved so did ways to get around in it. SERVICES Go down the list of services and you will come to Indexing Service . Double click and it will expand. Now you can tell if it is Started , Stopped, Disabled, Manual or Automatic. I leave mine on Manual and Stopped. It only runs when I start it. Either here or when I use the "search" button and specifically turn it on. What is your setting ? Anyhow for testing purposes let us set it to Manual and stopped. Now wait a couple of days and check those dates as you go. Oops ! Stay away from those TEMP folders and file though. I am presuming that you have all the latest versions of Security stuff anyhow. What is this background Backup program ? This is not taking time from the Temp problem. It is all related. YoKenny's puzzle can be answered by looking at the Properties of any folder or file. You will find it! Talk to you again, davey P.S. This whole TEMP file thing happens to be your thread. WE are in it, doing it, living it right now. I think that it is great and a great time to do it. I am learning from it. BTW, any Temp files start to show in your Cleaner Analysis listing ?
  25. This Cookies index.dat file stuff is all new info to me. Nothing ever affects my "Cookies" folder index.dat file. This WinXP Pro SP3. I am using IE7 and not having the IE8 Beta 2 problem that YoKenny and the others are having. I have a feeling IE8 Beta2 is changing something that causes CCleaner to wipe the "Cookies" iindex.dat file or in other words "clean" the whole "Cookie" folder. Keith, as far as I can tell, the one off glitch is that one day you ran CCleaner on both machines without a CCleaner.ini file in the CCleaner folder. It would also have been a day that you uninstalled the prior version. That is the only way I can recreate it. davey
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