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CCleaner 6.24.11060 will not do a Custom Clean

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I use CCleaner Free at home. As of this morning (June 4, 2024) CCleaner pops up an advertisement to purchase the Pro version. After clicking the "X" on the first window and "No Thanks" on the second window, CCleaner does not do a clean. CCleaner will perform an "Analyze" but not a "Run Cleaner". I even re-installed CCleaner Free and it has the same result. This issue happens over and over. I am running Windows 10 Pro.



Edited by Sectorgz
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I thought they had stopped doing this.

Others have reported that reinstalling CCleaner has fixed this issue for them.

Download an installer from here and double click it to install a new CCleaner: https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds

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Thanks,  I downloaded the latest version and installed it - same thing still occurred.

Then downloaded the portable version and run it from the downloads folder and still the same thing


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Thanks for that @nuart

At the moment we mods have no more information than what users are reporting.

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Thanks again,

We are watching to see just how many may be being affected by this today.

Sorry I know that doesn't help at the moment.

PS. If this is the same as we saw happening last week then Health Check should still be working to do non-custom cleaning.

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I have uninstalled the existing version, restarted and now able to use the portable version from my downloads folder, a step forward for now.


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I just got the same screen, I think it's no mistake, they moved custom cleaning to subscription only without even mentioning anything about it in the release notes ( https://www.ccleaner.com/knowledge/ccleaner-v6-24-11060 , but hey, they have "revamped" the UI with a quicker access to Software Updater! ).

Add that to the usual "unforthcoming" behavior, like re-enabling scheduled tasks on updates, notifications about updates and/or offers even when those checkboxes are disabled in the "Privacy" tab (why even have such a thing if it's going to be ignored), ...

For me, custom cleaning is what made CCleaner make sense, if it's part of the subscription now I will not be using CCleaner anymore once 6.23 stops being helpful or working as expected (rolled back to it, no problem whatsoever); I suppose those who see more value in CCleaner may opt to subscribe instead, but I don't really care about the rest of the tools bundled with the cleaner, at least in their current state.

[rant follows 😅]

The "Software Updater" thing is only capable of checking 6 out of the 94 currently installed at the moment, even if you take half of them out of the list for one reason or another it doesn't seem very useful. "Driver Updater" is misleading, listing a couple of things as "Out of date" when they aren't, "Uninstaller" that doesn't even scan for traces after something is uninstalled (it's just a glorified launcher), "Browser Plugins" are no more, "Performance Optimizer" with bold claims backed up by "trust me bro", ...

I think it'd be better to go back to the drawing board overall, instead of paywalling features that used to be free. I mean, do developers or project managers not see its shortcomings? I only use custom cleaning (+ cookie selection), but man, I feel like there's plenty room for improvement in many areas of the app (and I'm sure there are people out there who actually use the other features).

I'm a firm believer that companies wanting for more people to transition to subscriptions should ensure the complete package is useful, compelling, be it to average or power users. There's always the "since there's no real alternative, we can do as we please" attitude, but in CCleaner's case I think it'd be the wrong way to go about it.

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Hmm. According to the screenshot it looks like they are putting Custom Clean in a paywall. Shame.

Since the free edition is limited (shamefully so removing Custom Clean) I think it would make sense for them to finally get around and de-bloat/un-bloat the "basic" free edition -- but maybe it's going to be like some premium modern cars which have all the features built-in already but disabled unless you pay thousands more for them or some subscription.

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I could be wrong, but it seems to me that most CCleaner users are really more interested in the Custom Clean and Registry features. Everyone in my social circles, at least.

IMO, they should segregate the Driver Updater, Performance Optimizer, & other such gimmicky features into a different product. They can slap all that nonsense into the subscription realm for all I care.

I think they've seriously overvalued CCleaner at this point. I would definitely be willing to pay a one-time (Lifetime) license for the features that are actually useful/convenient to me.  Somewhere in the $20 - $30 USD range seems logical. Anything else will likely cause MOST users to move on to something actually worth the money. Most of us here know that CCleaner isn't offering anything revolutionary. Most of it's "features" can be done in the OS. Subscriptions are a very bad idea for this type of product. Period.

I really don't like that I had to say all this, because I've used CCleaner for such a long time, but let's get real here.

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It has now become obvious that this is NOT A BUG - it is being done deliberately.

We are not being given any information from the company but it seems clear that they do intend to implement this for all users of CCleaner Free at some point.

After which only Health Check will be free to run, Custom Clean will be a pro-only feature.

Of course it is their company and so it's their choice as to what they sell and what they give free.


The CCleaner Free on my second laptop has changed to the blocked version overnight, all by itself.

At least I can now see what happens when you have it, and it's generally as already reported.

  • 'Run Cleaner' gives the upgrade page.
    The one with only 2 columns that has the 2nd entry as 'Custom Cleaning' instead of the previous 'Advanced Cleaning'.
  • There is no obvious 'Close' or 'No thanks' button but the page does have an 'X' in the top-right which does close it and takes you back to the CCleaner User Interface.
  • There is a button for a 30 day Pro trial that wants a Debit/Credit card number.
  • 'Analyze' stil runs as normal when clicked.
  • The Custom Clean boxes can stil be ticked/unticked for the Analyze.
  • Health Check still runs and does basic cleaning.

The rest appears to be unchanged.

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Yes the company does have the right to change things. That is not really the issue here.

Doing so without giving any notice and suddenly asking for credit card details to use a feature that most people run daily (custom clean) is a disgrace in my opinion and I may have to rethink my position here.


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I was keeping my personal opinions out of the post above, - I'm 100% in agreement with Hazelnut.

Such a change is always going to upset customers but if you decide to do it then do it properly with a full announcement.

Don't pussyfoot around and try to sneak it onto people with no warning or explanation at all.

I'm also pretty concerened at the security aspect of the way it is being done by stealth, ie. using a 'backdoor'.
To me that is a bigger concern that any change in what is Free or not.
CCleaner can obviously give itself elevated permissions, that's needed for certain features.
If they believe that they have the right to change your CCleaner remotely, without any intervention or permission from you, then what else on your machine might they decide that they have a right to change?
Even worse, if such 'backdooring' had been possible when CCleaner got hacked in 2017 then what might the hackers have been able to do?

Personally I'm conflicted, I'll always try to help others where I can.
However I'm also thinking about whether I still want to help a company that can act like this by moderating their forum for them.

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9 hours ago, Jeff M said:

I have the current free version (6.24) on my Windows 10 Pro system and have not had that issue using Custom Clean.

Some users seem unaffected, and it doesn't seem to engage if CCleaner 6.24 can't connect to the network (for example), there was talk in another thread yesterday about it being a test on some % of people.

6 hours ago, SumGuy said:

IMO, they should segregate the Driver Updater, Performance Optimizer, & other such gimmicky features into a different product. They can slap all that nonsense into the subscription realm for all I care.

That could be the root of the problem (so to speak). I mentioned yesterday those other features aren't useful to me, at least as they are right now, and given my limited use of the app (custom clean spot run every 2 months or so in my only laptop) I don't really see value in the Pro subscription. IF there are many people in the same boat we are, perhaps they are trying to get more people to move to a subscription by putting the useful feature behind it.

I don't think it's the right call like you said, a one-off payment would feel more appropriate but even then, I wonder what the value proposition would be. The free offering is meant to be used at home only, so perhaps for businesses? I bet there are many out there using it in commercial settings...

5 minutes ago, hazelnut said:

[moving CC to sub only] Doing so without giving any notice [...] is a disgrace in my opinion [...]

It is, there are ways and ways of doing things. For example, I could see several threads there regarding the move of the registry cleaning feature to Tools in 6.24, asking how come it was removed. It was listed as a change in the 6.24 release notes, wouldn't such a change warrant a quick message or modal in-app shown on upgrades to let people know? What % of users go out of their way to read the release notes before updating (or after)?

Same would go for this, except it's not even mentioned there, unless they deem it to be within "minor stability and performance improvements".

9 minutes ago, nukecad said:

Such a change is always going to upset customers but if you decide to do it then do it properly with a full announcement.

Perhaps not all, there ought to be people genuinely using the rest of what CCleaner offers or using Health Check exclusively / letting it do things automatically, since we don't really have metrics to go by, but I bet many users would feel the same. Fully agree on the second count, what a way to find out 😂, by opening the app and trying to use Custom Clean, it doesn't help foster a good community.

For me, it's 6.23 for now, although might as well just get 6.24 and block its Internet access, because I get the out-of-date notification (despite having that setting disabled in settings, like I get offers with discounts when they're running even if that setting is also off). A cursory search for alternatives yesterday showed at least 2 competing programs worth evaluating if/when the time comes.

Given that I only use one or two of the features CCleaner has nowadays, perhaps I'm not the target audience anymore 😅

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I completely agree with you.

The new owners of CCleaner will probably only harm themselves with this action and perhaps even "kill" the product.



I can also only recommend blocking CCleaner's access to the Internet and/or using the previous version 6.23.

If your “Custom Clean” is already blocked, try the following changes in the registry:

(Cfg)CCNU = 0
(Cfg)UpgradeButtonAppearance = 0


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10 minutes ago, Jeff M said:

I use the program while connected , so I may not be in the group that are seeing this.

It seems to be completely random when and if "Custom Clean" is blocked for an installation. So your installation may be affected sooner or later too.

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I agree that most "Free" users are only interested in the "Custom Clean" feature of the program, I know I am. On the other hand sneaking in this option as "Only for Pro version" without a notification is under handed. I know Piriform is intitled to do whatever they want to their programs, but I then have to ask what else are they going to do that no one is aware of until you try to use it or update the program.

Now the link provided yesterday, https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds , does not show the older versions. They did yesterday so I am assuming there will be only a paid version of CCleaner.

I have uninstalled version CCleaner 6.24.11060 as it serves no more purpose for my usage. The "Update Drivers" and other features are handled by myself as needed. It seems to me that it would make sense to make the optional features, such as "Update Drivers" and others, as "Pro Only" or "Paid Features" and leave the original CCleaner alone. It was a GREAT program while it lasted.

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5 minutes ago, Sectorgz said:

I agree that most "Free" users are only interested in the "Custom Clean" feature of the program, I know I am. On the other hand sneaking in this option as "Only for Pro version" without a notification is under handed. I know Piriform is intitled to do whatever they want to their programs, but I then have to ask what else are they going to do that no one is aware of until you try to use it or update the program.

Now the link provided yesterday, https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds , does not show the older versions. They did yesterday so I am assuming there will be only a paid version of CCleaner.

I have uninstalled version CCleaner 6.24.11060 as it serves no more purpose for my usage. The "Update Drivers" and other features are handled by myself as needed. It seems to me that it would make sense to make the optional features, such as "Update Drivers" and others, as "Pro Only" or "Paid Features" and leave the original CCleaner alone. It was a GREAT program while it lasted.

Agree completely.

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37 minutes ago, Sectorgz said:

Now the link provided yesterday, https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds , does not show the older versions. They did yesterday so I am assuming there will be only a paid version of CCleaner.

I don't know if that URL had a list of previous versions, but (for now?) you can download them directly; this endpoint is valid at the time of writing: https://download.ccleaner.com/slim/ccsetup623_slim.exe

That'd be the one for the slim installer, same idea for the default one or portable versions, as well as older releases. In any case, if one downloads an installer from a 3rd party archival site it can be easily verified as they are properly signed (i.e., signed and countersigned with a timestamping service), one that's been tampered with would have its digital signature invalidated.

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@Sectorgz @nuart @JamesRM 

I was able to disable the paywall by poking around in the registry.


Change this value from a 1 to a 0:



I have no idea what CCNU means, I'm guessing the (Cfg) means config. In any case I changed that from a 1 to aa 0 and custom clean works fine. Hurry before the mods snitch!! :)


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