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What are your thoughts on IE 7 Beta 2 Preview?


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First, let me say I am not a computer tech, far from it. BUT, please let me say something nice about the new IE7 Beta 2 Preview. I have been using IE7(beta) for about two weeks now. Before I d/l the new IE7(beta) I read a lot of negative reviews at the Microsoft Newsgroup which I am a member. Even so I wanted to try it, and so far I am satisfied with my experience with IE7(beta). If that changes I will be back and let you know.



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Why stick with second best? Read this, download Firefox, and live happily ever after.

Save a tree, eat a beaver.

Save a tree, wipe with an owl.


Every time a bell rings, a thread gets hijacked!

ding, ding!


Give Andavari lots of money and maybe even consider getting K a DVD-RW drive.


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Slower than Firefox in all respects...


well you are right! but when you use reg tweaks IE decidedly run like thunder! I tryed this on IE 7 and 6 (Sp2) and it runs vrealy fast (IE 7 is bu default faster than IE 6!)


btw i used IE 7 beta tech preview 2 but i uninstaled it (because CCleanewr deleted that hotfix from add/remove then i reinstalled windows... now i'm waiting ie 7 finall ;))! I has so much GUI bugs... RSS is working fine and favicon too! the new style of favourites i like but now IE 7 looks like some sys hog and IE 6 looks more compact...

I do not recomend IE to unexpirienced users (i dont now any person that setted up Internet settings (control Panel=> Internet Settings)) but for those who knows to use it well i reccomend to try it to create the image of this new IE ;)

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I would just like to know what people think of IE 7 Beta 2 Preview and any issues people have had with it.



Found a few, no doubt temporary bugs: couldn't do windows update or access turbotax online. I'll use IE 6 for now and wait for the final release. I use IE only when necessary as Opera is my main browser.

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i personally quite like IE7... not as much as FF or Opera... but some of the features are nice... i agree that the interface looks horrible... whether use in WinXP or Win2003... and is not really customizable... i dont know why the tabs are squeezing with the toolbar... Phishing Filter makes surfing very slow... maybe it is still in BETA thats why... i guess i wont need it anyway...

i am not used to the Vista interface... sometime i look all over the place to find the refresh button... :lol:


Features kindof impress me and not found in FF:

- a close button on each tab... nice to have... but somehow it suck... when a tab is not in focus, it doesnt have the close button... i know FF have extension that add a close button on each tab... but i find it better a default feature...


- Quick Tabs... view of all tabs... layout nicely in sorter view... i like this feature... hope FF have 1 in future... of coz i wont die without this...


of coz... FF is still my choice... and ITS TRUE! i dont have Opera installed... i found it quite meaningless to have 3 browsers... hehe...


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